
Treading water!!??

by Guest63161  |  earlier

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i can swim fine...when im in the shallow end, but when im in the deep end i automatically panic and i can't keep my head above the water. it's so embarrasing. no matter how much i try and all the advice my friends give me i still can't do it.

i had the courage to try the deep end but i panicked, so i went underwater to swim back to the shallow end. i was panicking so much that i almost pulled down my friend's swimming trucks to stay up.=(

i need to learn how to tread water by at least the end of the summer.plz help!!


and please no rude comments. thanks again!!




  1. go to the deep end and you will sink dont get panic say and you will float back up

  2. okay, to stay above the water in the deepend, you have to make sure to kick your feet. the best way to kick is a frog leg kick ir a whip kick. you bring both of your legs up and then whip them back together. also, you can skull the top of the water with your arms and hands. put your arms straight out to the sides and then bring them both in at the same time, scooping the water in. hope it works :)

  3. What is important to remember, is that you are a great swimmer and will not drown. Keep repeating that to yourself while taking deep breaths.

    Practice treading water in the shallow end first. Your arms should be in front of your body, doing "windshield wiper" movements. I find it is easiest to do breaststroke kick with my legs, but you can do whatever you are comfortable with.

    When you are ready to tread water in the deep end, practice close to the wall, remembering you can always grab the wall if you go under.

    Also try the website:

    Good luck! K

  4. To tread water you need to kick your feet in a semi circular direction. You bring them in and then push out in opposite directions. If you can't figure out how to do that, just kicking your legs in the water(kinda like upward freestyle) works just as well. The hands are like in breaststroke except faster. you bring them in together and then push out.

    You can test this out in the shallow end before doing it in the deep end. Treading water can get tiring though, so i suggest doing it near the edge of the pool, at least in the beginning.

    And don't be embarrassed, there's plenty of people who can't swim at all and it's never to late to learn how(considering you already CAN swim and just need to tread water)

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