
Treadmill --Generate Electricity?

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Does anybody know something about Treadmill which can generate electricity is really hard to find some information over internet .............some one knows some good website and and any studies about this new things .....






  2. an average human being can , for short periods, develop about 1/2 a horsepower of work ( effort/energy).

    a really good athlete about 3/4 to 1......for about 30 minutes.

    a horsepower is 750 in the time you are on a treadmill. .....ignoring friction and waste and heat and all that...... you could power 3  100 watt light bulbs.

  3. A treadmill is a piece of indoor sporting equipment used to allow for the motions of running or walking while staying in one place. The word treadmill traditionally refers to a type of mill which was operated by a person or animal treading steps of a wheel to grind grain (see treadwheel.)

    The principle is a belt system (an electric motor or flywheel connected to a circular run of material) where the top of the belt moves to the rear so as to allow a runner to run an equal, and necessarily opposite speed. Thus the speed of the run can easily be set or measured (the rate at which the belt moves is the rate at which the runner moves). The more expensive, heavy-duty versions are motor-driven. The simpler, lighter, cheaper versions are passive, moving only when the walker pushes the belt with their feet, and operates just to resist the motion.

    Contents [hide]

    1 Origins

    2 Advantages

    3 Disadvantages

    4 Other uses

    5 Omnidirectional treadmill

    6 See also

    7 References

    8 External links


    Treadmills were historically used as a method of reforming offenders in prison, an innovation introduced by Sir William Cubitt in 1817.[1]; these were also termed treadwheels. The first private health club in the U.S. was started by Professor Louis Attila in 1894. Cardio workout machines entered the clubs much later and were developed initially for the hospital. The first medical treadmill designed to diagnose heart and lung disease was invented by Dr. Robert Bruce and Wayne Quinton at the University of Washington in 1952. Dr. Kenneth Cooper's research on the benefits of aerobic exercise, published in 1968, provided a medical argument to support the commercial development of the home treadmill and exercise bike.


    Some treadmills have special features such as step count, heart rate monitors, amount of calories expended.

    Running or walking on a treadmill can be an effective way to work out compared to other complex cardiovascular exercises (similar to non-treadmill walking/running).

    Treadmills can be used in the home to avoid going to a gym. Users can do other things while exercising, such as watching television or reading.

    Users who would not run/walk outdoors (e.g. due to unfavourable weather conditions, uneven road surfaces, dangerous neighbourhoods or unwanted attention) may use an indoor treadmill.

    Treadmills offer the benefit of reduced impact since all treadmills offer some sort of shock absorption. Exercising on a treadmill can reduce the strain to the ankles, knees and lower back of users.

    As with all exercise, regular treadmill use increases endurance.

    Known speeds at all times of the run, and being able to change speeds as needed.

    As most of the factors of the run are known, the energy expended may be calculated.

    Allows for exact adjustment of slope and speed.


    Many users find treadmills boring and lose interest after a period.

    Cost of purchase and electricity to run the treadmill is significantly greater than running outside.

    Takes up space in homes (disadvantage reduced by "folding treadmill" option).

    May cause personal injury if not used properly.

    Can make a loud grinding noise if the belt keeps slipping.

    Lack of wind resistance makes running on a treadmill easier than it would otherwise be on an equal elevation grade outdoors. Training for outdoor races is complicated due to the subtle differences.

    There is little need to propel yourself on a treadmill, making running easier and therefore not giving you an accurate representation of running on the ground. This can be a disadvantage when training for outdoor races.

    Ordinary treadmills, even the expensive models at gyms and clubs, are not usually able to tilt at the steep slopes used on medical treadmills for standardized stress tests.

    Imposes a strict pace on runners, giving an unnatural feel to running which can cause a runner to lose balance.

    As with all forms of cardiovascular exercise, the risk of cardiac arrest is significantly increased. Treadmills may further this risk, as indoor comforts, such as air conditioning, may cause a user to feel more comfortable and less likely to stop due to exhaustion.

    [edit]Other uses

    As it is basically a conveyor belt, the treadmill can be used for activities other than running. If horses are being tested (especially in jockey racing) they will be put on a specially constructed treadmill. Large treadmills can also accommodate cars.

    [edit]Omnidirectional treadmill

    Main article: Omnidirectional treadmill

    Advanced applications are so called omnidirectional treadmills. They are designed to move in two dimensions and are intended as the base for a "holodeck". There are several solutions which were proposed and research continues because some issues remain unsolved until now such as large size, noise and

  4. No, it's possible, but difficult.  I've included a link below about exercise bikes and elliptical machines and stair machines that generate electricity.  They are mostly found in "California fitness" clubs and the "power by you" concept was developed by the motorwave/motorwind group, a british fellow that operates out of Hong Kong designed the technology.

    He says Elliptical machines are the most efficient power generators and exercise bikes are the next most efficient.

    They also make really cool mini wind generators for your home and sell them at a reasonable price.

    Treadmills are hard enough to move without a motor, so adding a generator is even more work, even if you add a good heavy flywheel.  Now if you can build one with a steep incline you can do it.  There are treadmills that are considered "Incline trainers", these are units that incline at least 25%, some go up to 50%.  In these units, about the time you get to 15% incline, the motor isn't pulling you anymore, gravity is and the motor is actually acting as a brake/generator.  It's not actually generating any power because there is nowhere for it to go.  It would not be hard to convert it to something that does generate power, just keep in mind that you really need at least 15% incline for it to be useful.

    Hope that helps.

  5. have you ever thought about how much energy it would take to manufacture a treadmill?

    will the energy it produces be more than what it took to make it in he first place?

    Note: Your heart is in the right place, I understand you wanta save mother earth, but I say we never needed to make and produce treadmills in the first place, instead go outside and go for a walk and be one with nature.

    that's the problem with a capitalist society, everybody wants and owns needless stuff they never needed in the first place, all we need is food, clothing and shelter.

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