
Treasure hunt ideas?

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I am hosting a party for my sister who is turning 9. There will be 7 girls there. I need some ideas on how to organise a treasure hunt. I dont want to do just one set of clues, as then everyone will just be following each other. Any ideas? Thanks!




  1. You can do it two different ways...hand out lists with various "treasures" to find on them...don't make them all the same....there isn't any clues involved, just good hiding places...with 7 it might necessitate a large area for hiding...maybe the house and the yard...If you want to do clues, you start each person with a different clue, and mark each subsequent clue with their number, or name, or some identifier so that would be the next clue they need to pick up, and so on and so will be a lot of work for you and maybe a bit much for 8-9 year olds....the first way will be easier and still fun for the girls....Make sure there is a great first prize and then some good runner up prizes...

  2. I did a treasure hunt like that for all my grandchildren last year, but they ranged in age from 1 to 10.  So not only did I have to have different clues for each child, I had to have age appropriate clues, and fewer clues for the younger children.  But it worked out great and the kids had a blast!  It just takes some good organizational skills.  Assign each child a color and use colored paper to write the clues on.  (Or you can use white paper and just put colored dots or marks of some sort on them.)  Then each girl will just look for her color when she searches for the written clues.  Write the clue on a piece of paper, fold the paper in half, number it on the outside, (say 1 to 10, depending on how many clues you are giving), hide the clue, and then the girls have to find their own color, in numerical order.  Does this make sense?  You really do have to keep your wits about you as you write and hide the clues because you will be doing 7 different sets of them.  I listed the children in column style on a sheet of paper and numbered and wrote each of their clues under their names before I made the slips of paper.  The one thing I was careful to do was to make sure each of them started in a completely different area of the yard, just so they would be scattered around, and like you said, not following each other.  When I hid their last clue it said something like. "Go and check in with Grandma" and I had their wrapped prize for them.  Or it can be hidden wherever you want. If you need any other details on how to proceed, contact me, but this seemed to be a good way for me to prepare for a treasure hunt that required more than one set of clues.


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