
Treat scratches on eye from contacts?

by Guest64308  |  earlier

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I wear Acuvue Oasys with hydroclear plus, and have worn contacts for years. I've had these contacts for a while, and my doctor said I can sleep with them in, which I do. I'm supposed to take them out one night a week, to give them a break, but sometimes I forget and go a little longer.

So when I take them out, my eye starts to hurt, and it takes a few days to heal. I've gone to the doctor a couple times from this, and he said my contact just scratched the surface of my eye.

Is there any way to treat these scratches so they heal faster than a few days? Its annoying to only have one contact in.




  1. Your best bet is to not over wear them. Over wear might be causing swelling and it might make the lens sit tight and then scratch when you remove them. This can also cause other more serious issues down the road if you continually do this over and over. Get a good pair of glasses that you like and wear them one day a week. You can then keep healthier corneas and wear contacts longer in your life.

  2. Eat more carrots!  lol

    Ack.  I have had a similar problem in the past.  It sucks.  G'luck!

  3. No, you need to leave it out and let the eye heal. And if there's something wrong with the contact that's causing the scratches, you need to replace it.

    Wearing one contact is silly... leave them both out and wear your glasses for a few days.

  4. See an eye doctor fast! Based on my experience, I started to ignore the (then) tolerable pain, after about 2 days, eyes went blood shut and extremely painful, the doctor prescribed eye drops and it was an instant relief. Eyes remained reddish for a week, but learned my lesson not to abuse my eyes by wearing contacts 24hrs, even if it says I could.

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