
Treating my tank for Ick/Fungus?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not sure whether my fish has a serious case of Ick or Body and Fin Fungus/rot.

Should i treat it for both? or will that harm my fish more then help them? They (2 iridescent sharks) are in a 10gal hospital tank atm.

the 2 medicines i have is Mardel Maracyn and Mardel Maracide Concentrate. One is a bacteria medicine for body/fin rot etc, one is a parasite medicine for ick etc.

Question 2:

I had to set up the tank quick so i used tap water with a chlorine neutralizing product. My pH is 7.8, is that ok? or will this kill my fish while its in the hospital tank?

Thanks a lot for reading and responding! It's appreciated.




  1. raise the temp for ich and salt for rot

  2. For the ich you need to treat the actual tank as well as the fish since its a parasite with lifestages that include hiding in the gravel. But you are right to use a hospital tank for the anti-bacterial medication. Treat for both. Keep in mind that ich is still around for several weeks after you see the last spot on the fish. 7.8 is fine for that species.  

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