
Treatment for Male Cat With Urinary Tract Infection?

by Guest57487  |  earlier

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I have no money until Tuesday, August 12th to take my cat to the veteranarian's office. I've noticed that he is straining to urinate. He doesn't cry out in pain, but I'm sure it's uncomfortable. Are there any ways to help him get by until Tuesday? I've heard giving him cranberry juice may help, but is it safe? He is a strictly indoor cat, but if I let him outside, will that help? Anyone have any suggestions? I really cannot afford to get him to the vet's office until Tuesday..




  1. This could lead to sudden blockage and can be life-threatening.  Ask a friend or family member to pay for it for you, then pay them back on the 12th.  Most vets do not take payments due to the many people who say they will pay but do not.  


    I would talk to the vet ... offer to give them a check (post dated)  lET THEM KNOW YOU WILL PAY IT BUT DON'T HAVE ANY EXTRA NOW! They / or another vet might work something out for you.  Also contact the local SPCA and see if there is a clinic that you can go to.

    This is a condition THAT CAN KILL YOUR CAT!

    I give my cats Cranberry pills ... the small kind... coat in butter / marg. and it goes down easily.  The pills are consentrated.   just the juice is not as good and the cat won't like it... but you can do a dropper down the back of the throat so the taste isn't there.  it's worth a try!

    Also lemon juice in the water.. (a couple drops is all it needs)

  3. UTI in a male cat is far more dangerous than you think. If by any chance he developed crystals and his urethra is blocked, he will not be able to urinate. This causes dangerous toxins to build up in his system and he might go into septic shock and his condition can be fatal. There isn't much that can be done at home because he needs to get medical care as soon as possible.

    As for cranberry juice, it does not work since the juice are highly laden with sugar with very little juice. It's also almost water which does not benefit in any way. A cranberry extract will be more useful but before your supplement him, you really need to get your cat check out to rule out the above mentioned. Also, cranberry extract can be used to prevent an infection but where one is present and not dealt with, it has little effect as a stand alone treatment.

    Do not allow him to go outdoor. There is absolutely no benefit and it is dangerous to your cat, especially when he is ill. I am clueless as to what makes you think that it will help by letting him out loose.

    If you are feeding dry food, stop gradually and transition onto wet. If he is eating both wet and dry, you can stop the dry immediately. This is important because dry food stripped your cat's moisture from within and will deteriorate his UTI. Wet food has more moisture and is a very important aspect when dealing with UTI, Choose one that is high protein, low carb and grain free.

    Please contact your vet and try to work things out. The soonest he gets help, the better chances are he will recover sooner.

  4. Most vets are happy to work out payment plans, so please do not hesitate to take your kitten to the vets. The longer you wait, the more expensive it could be.

    Urinary problems are serious and can result in death if not treated properly and promptly.

    Good Luck!

  5. I had a cat that had a block all of a sudden. We took him to the vets right away and the vet treated him. I would suggest for now to feed him low ash food. Our cat cannot have anything but low ash. But most definetly take him to the vet ASAP!

  6. I am so sorry for your situation.  I understand it completely, as my cat has had similar issues, and consequently, i had to put him down...  As some of the others said, I'd suggest to talk to the vet... let me tell you about my situation...

    I had a lovely male, brown tabby cat, PJ.  I loved him dearly, he started off with a bladder infection, got that cleared up, but it came back... and so I took him back to the vet for more tests... he had bladder stones, which when left unattended can be fatal.  

    the surgery to get them removed is very costly... HOWEVER if you go to the vet and get him checked out, the stones can desolve with special treatment... if not... the surgery is $800 - $1200 ...

    My cat was in severe pain, and he never ever once yelped out in pain...    cats hide their pain, it's part of who they are and how they survive in the wild...

    Please, take your cat to the vet and get it checked out.

    There is some canned food out there to treat urnary tract issues in males, although the one that is the top of the line you can only get it through the vet... and the cans are expensive...  so at least talk to the vet and see if at the very least you can get on a special vet diet food for them.

  7. no and no to your first two questions! you need to contact the vet and see if you can work something out financially because he can die from this! it is very important that he gets in ASAP, this happened to me when i didn't have any money, but if you let them know upfront it shouldn't be an issue. please go NOW!

    Good Luck!

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