
Treatments & etc. with other nationals once your in UAE or in Middle East?

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Hi everyone! i just would like to know what kind of treatments do the people in UAE treat other nationalitis. do they treat each other the same or different?

Ex. British to british or to filipino

Pakistani to british to filipino

Arabs to filipino to indian

Arabs to pakistani to filipino

Filipino to filipino to indian

Indian to filipino to arabs or vice versas

Is there a racial discrimination with other nationalitis?

What are the rules to be followed once your there?

What can you do once your there?

What are the DOs and DONTs once your there?

How expensive is it to live there?

What is the ideal living once your there?




  1. Racism is very high in this area.

    If your not Caucasion nor Arabic, better be prepared with the treatment....

  2. yea i feel so moderately high

    follow law of land  nodrinking nd driving no drugseven otc cough syrups modest dress code

    less expensive than europe  more than east asia

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