
Tree Felling?

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Do you think that tree felling should be made illegal and that chopping down trees just for a mild financial gain is a bad thing? Any other information on chopping down trees would be really useful! If you have had any experiences with tree felling it would also be really useful.




  1. I don't know why you would have the impression that it is a bad thing whether somebody recieves some kind of financial gain enabling them to make a living or not.

    When a tree is young and growing it is gathering lots of CO2, using the carbon for growth and releasing oxygen.

    When a tree is at maturity it no longer needs the carbon in CO2 for growth and it slows down it's transpiration process and quits removing the carbon from the CO2.

    As a tree passes mature age it starts to release methane.

    Some trees have a longer life span than others ( different species ), if they aren't harvested at maturity they actually contribute to poor air quality and also become a fire hazard as they dry out.

    Why would we want to put all those people whose job it is to harvest the mature crop of trees out of work just to harm the environment at the same time?? That makes no sense to me at all.

    Most areas where logging has been restricted have been plagued by forest fires that kill wildlife and pollute our air, silly isn't it??

    And yes if a tree passes the age of maturity it easily falls down in a wind storm and rots on the forest floor, that is when it gives off methane. I didn't think that conclusion would be so hard to come to, whoaa!

    Also I said the amount of carbon gathered is reduced from slowing growth ( fact )

    Dead dry trees start on fire and burn easier and hotter ( fact )

    How can so called environmentalists claim to be logical thinkers when they can't even follow a simple life cycle cause and effect??

    Stay in your cities an keep your policies out of our forests, How can you possibly believe that you could know more about them than the people who live and work in the wooded areas and have been ensuring their own livlihood by keeping the forests healthy and growing for generations???

  2. so- how do you heat your home, build structures and furniture, and wipe your rear? Or should that be illegal too? I can see it now- tp for $10 a roll.

  3. Is there no end to the insanity of you people? Its this kind of craziness that will turn many people against even what is good.

  4. Sustainable forest management

    oh, yes, the 'methane' and 'poor air quality' thing is complete b/s. trees dont change their nature as they age like that, the growth rate slows right down but they are still photosynthesizing.

  5. People need to cut trees.

    Whether it is for paper, lumber, chemicals, pharmaceuticals or just because they are in the way does not matter. People will still have to cut trees.

    The only questions are when, where and how many.

    We can address those questions with regulations licencing and permits.

  6. it is a renewable energy source and when done correct it can be the gift that keeps on giving.

  7. lumber is necessary.  i don't know why everybody thinks that when you cut a tree there is a bare spot left behind for life.  i live in northern mn and when aspen is clearcut, say 1000 trees, 100,000 aspen come back the first year.  all the deer move in, the grouse, woodcock, wolves, bears, hawks, fox, etc....logging is good for the environment

  8. I have land equal to about 160 football fields growing trees.   Many of them are dieing from acid rain and insect infestation.   These trees I cut down as fast as I can.   That still leaves many trees that aren't of a usefull species and others that are growing too close to each other and need thinning to grow correctly.   Clearcutting vast tracts of steep hillside above houses isn't very bright.   Since we have altered the balance of nature already we must manage many areas to keep them healthy.

  9. I think sustainability is the answer you are looking for here.

    Trees/forests can be harvested sustainably - that must account for an awful lot of other things like functioning ecosystems & the likely impact on other species (flora & fauna).

    Excessive clearing is detrimental to all & everything involved over time so yes some legislation is necessary but I would not go beyond what is already in place.  Careful monitoring, reporting & policing is paramount to preventing large scale destruction.

  10. Harvest the dead and dying tree and stop bring in healthy trees from Canada, South America, and China

  11. take a look around your home there is not many things not made of wood,I would sooner have products made of wood (a renewable resource)than from oil based plastics.Yes I did work for a furniture maker that harvested oak trees it was selective cutting and very few trees were cut ,it also removed the very old and large trees to make room(available sunlight )for the younger trees.If trees are felled and made use of and if it is a clear cut and the lumber company replants the area than there is nothing wrong with the harvesting
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