
Tree hugger vs. logger

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how does a tree hugger counter a logger's statement, "I agree with you. Let us begin your protest by tearing down your wooden house"?




  1. they don't. really, the only negative logging is in the rain forests. those people haven't heard of sustainable farming, and should go build their houses somewhere else. logging should be banned in rain forests everywhere, no matter what. they are a beautiful natural habitat, harbor many animals that can only be found their, and provide oxygen. Starbucks is a leading company in supporting sustainable farming because that is how much of their coffee beans are grown in that manner

  2. the tree hugger should realize that when MANAGED RESPONSIBLY logging is a valuable resource to be utilized for things such as housing

  3. The tree hugger should tuck his rat tail between his legs and go home to his momma.

  4. Living in a logging community that has had their industry destroyed by environmentalist who what the product but don't seem to realize where that product comes from, I have to agree with you.

    It has not only put a lot of people out of work, but it has also increase the price of the lumber that is available.

  5. Wood is for building beautiful furniture and useful stuff from! Let grass and algae produce oxygen!
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