
Tree of life at the center of the universe?

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I have become aware that there is a place in another dimension, at the center of all existance where there is a tree.

It is the tree of life or knowledge of something similar.

This tree looks dead and has a flat top which one side longer than the other side sticking up, like a Diarilee slide or a long triangle with the long end up at an angle.

The skies are yellow and the ground is parched.

It is a place that we all come from, but it seemed to evil when I saw this vision.

Although I am not sure.

I had been awake for 48 hours and that is when I saw it in a deja vu expierence.

I spoke to a woman about it to find that her son was called Jushua.

Then there is just now adverts about it.

Is it real?

Is it good or evil?

What about the law of conservation of energy and matter, which is evidence against it?

Snow Man




  1. Not sure four dimensional space has a center, or if it does how the center is determined scientifically. Have astronomers actually found a center? I imagine it would be an empty vacuum there, or perhaps dark matter and dark energy. Everything pushing outwards from there. The centers of galaxies have supermassive black holes. Perhaps a supermassive white hole (ejects matter rather than consumes it).

  2. That's a 10-4 Snow Man.  Make sure you let us know if anything comes of these mystical visions, OK?

  3. it would be more of an energy influence vs. symbol of some kind.

    If the universe is infinite, there's no beginning, or end [or middle]

  4. OMG ! , what the. . . dude okay this might be the alternative sector but dude I mean c'mon !

  5. To some people it is real - to others it is not.

    It is both good and evil - and neither.

    The law of conservation of energy and matter still is evidence both for, and against it. From the centre of the universe you can see "all" sides.

  6. A tree of life huh?


    Just make sure you nurture it well.

    EDIT: After being awake for 48hrs, you can be sure that you are not thinking clearly - btw, you don’t happen to have 'U2' on in background by any chance do you. They have an album called 'The Joshua Tree'. Not your subconscious by any chance - seeing you would be operating in a subconscious state from lack of sleep...just wondering.

  7. OMG!!!!

  8. Many religions have stories about a tree of life.  I'm pretty sure it's an allegory, not a physical tree.  I would be interested to know in what way you became aware of it.

  9. Are you high?

  10. I have heard tales of such a tree, but I have never encountered anyone or any culture that has exact knowledge of it so to speak.

    Honestly, at first my thought is, "Okay, this Dude has been up for 48 hours straight.  Obviously it is lack of sleep."  The name Jushua, though strikes a bell somewhere back in my brain, so I obviously have to give the benfit of doubt, and it isn't because of the Bible and the name Joshua.

    I have believed my whole life, and science supoorts the fact, that there are layers upon layers of "reality,"  and they have come to the conslusions that there are diferent dimensions.

    As for there being adverts about it, idk, I haven't seen them in the States.  What are they about?

    Maybe you were seeing a subconcious interpretation to your life or the world.

    Edit:  Hey, thought I would add this since the question is still posted.  I called my Gran and spoke with her, and than my husband added his two cents worth, LOL!

    The Tree of Life.  Is that.  The Tree of Life.  Of course, it has differnt names in differnt dialects and languages, but in the end they translate into the samething, or basically the same name.

    The Tree of Life, is our lives.  Both told me that if I have to ask, than I am not old enough to know, or have not yet had the life experince in order to know.  (There is a good size age differance between my husband and myself.)  When I was 9yrs. my tree came to me in a dream, the same as you discribed yours.  I guess it's still the same.  My husband's changed, it began to flourish and grow after his first bypass surgery.  Next month he goes in for his second.  My Granny's has long since began to fourish.  The Tree of Life is our "Spiritual Tree."  It is a reflection of our soul.

    So, I guess it means that you just haven't spiritually began to grow yet.  Don't feel bad, I haven't either than, or at least I don't think so.

    Really great question though, I've been working on it since you posted it, and it's had me thinking.  Good luck, and the Best to You, Snowman!  Hope it helps you out some.

  11. Let's hope you're joking.  If so, fine.  If not, seriously, please seek medical advice.


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