
Tree sapling infested with ants, should I be worried?

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I've got a tree sapling I'm trying to grow. It was doing well but has now become infested with ants. Should I be worried? If so how do I get rid of them?




  1. Yes. If ants are going after something on the tree, it's probably the excretions of whiteflies or other bugs that are boring into the tree and sucking out the sap. Those types of bugs excrete a kind of sugary substance that attracts the ants.

    Try washing the tree off well with a strong, fine spray of water. Afterward, you can try spraying a mix of dishwashing liquid and water (about a tablespoon per gallon) on the tree periodically to keep the bugs away. Make sure to get both sides of the leaves.

  2. If you look carefully under the leaves, I believe you will find an infestation of greenfly ( Aphids).

    The ants milk a secretion from the aphids, called 'honeydew' rich in sugars, using the aphids much as we keep cows for their milk. You may well find a layer of 'sooty mould ' appearing on the lower leaves, due to moulds growing in the sticky secretion dripping down from above. Remove the aphids, and the ants will have no reason to continue their patrolling of your tree sapling.

  3. Ant powder will do the trick.

  4. Don't be so quick to get rid of the ants they may be after the bugs that will destroy your young tree.

    Check out the explanation at this link.

  5. I would certainly be worried if they're carpenter ants.  They'll destroy it.  I'd definitely spray it with something to kill the ants.

  6. erm im not sure its something to worry about but i hate ants so i'm going to tell you to get rid of them ant powder will do the trick you can get it at like any supermarket/garden center about 99p a bottle couple of dollars if your in America:)

  7. just make sure they don't nest at the roots

  8. hiya,lee i use cold tea , or tear tea bags apart and put them around the tree, do it every day for about 10 days. that will do the trick.x*x

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