
Treeborn worth more or marshmallon?

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treeborn or marshmallon worth more?




  1. treeborn frog is more useful, but when it comes to price, Marshmallon is a more than 2x as expensive as treeborn

  2. marshmallon is better but if yo treebio\orn frog is ultimate rare then u r better

  3. if u r to sell them, treeborn>marsh only if it was 1st eidition in mint... because treeborn devalue faster than marsh and unlimited are worthless.

    in deck, monarch use treeborn better, but any other deck(4 monarchs or less included) marsh wins any day.

  4. treeborn because it is p**s easy to get a marshmallon in a premium pack

  5. treeborn i think because marshmallon is easy to get in premium packs

  6. well it depends on what you mean by "worth". if you mean whats worth more moneywise, a marshmallon usually costs more. if you mean feild presense, id say, again, marshmallon because not only can it deal 1000 damage on occasion, but it stays on the feild longer and allows you to have spells and traps. if you mean worth searching through pack after pack,once again, marshmallon wins. it is easier and cheaper to go through a few premium packs than a bunch of shadow of infinity packs. so, overall, id say marshmallon is defenately worth more.

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