
Trees look like there dying, what should I do?

by Guest34259  |  earlier

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I recently purchased 20 baby colorado blue spruce seedling, I planted them together, mulched around them, and fenced them in but gave them plenty of room to breath, a couple of them look like they are dying, the needles on the very bottom are turning brown, I water them once a day, and I even gave them some plant food, is this normal? considering that they are bare root, I planted them immediately, and even soaked them for an hour in a bucket of water, is this something to worry about, and if so what am I doing wrong, I thought that overwatering is better than underwatering?




  1. you might be over watering them. they probably have a root fungus. if u get over to a home depot and ask around, they'll point u towards a hose attachment with chemicals that kill the fungus.

  2. if you go to they have some wonderful tips on bare root plants.  I don't think they recommend watering on a daily basis.  Some trees just don't grow and it's not necessarily something you did or didn't do.  Also I'd not use anymore fertilizer or plant food cause it could actually be making the soil too rich for it.  

    Had you used pesticides on or around the area you planted the trees in lately they could still be there killing the trees.  

    Pay no attention to the dorks who don't understand the importance of planting and caring for trees, just keep trying to make the planet a nicer place to live.

  3. Can't say this for sure........but I live in washington state...sometimes confused mental state also........but the one problem I've had with blue a little spider mite that crawls up the center of the tree and gets under the branches.......and starts eating from the center to the outside of the tree.........the one way I stop them is dump the dish water(nice clean soapy water) over the top of the tree(not hot) and give them the runs.......just like us.......they eat the soap and they run for old chinese friend....toy--let:)  bye

  4. I just have one question are you a tree hugger or what cause its just a tree !!!!

    your anser jesse :)

  5. dude thats awsome keep doin that my mom does alot of this kind of stuff with all kinds of plants.....if it doesn't get better then wait untill next summer to plant some and add cow poo to make the soil better it doesn't just work for gardens but all kinds of plats so try that =D

  6. Plant some more!

  7. just wait a little while and see what happens try not watering them for a couple days

  8. Problem you live in colorado? :)

  9. p**s on them

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