
Trees will never save the planet!?

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I'm involved in a n.f.p. organization that is currently going gung-ho to reforest parts of Africa to help combat/balance out carbon emissions. With all the sincere and concerned questions/answers I've seen on yahoo Re our globe, can anyone make sense of the fact that out of about 1 whopping thousand clubs contacted to run a sponsored 1000miles to help save this planet, less than one percent showed interest? Sincerely perplexed. All explanations/views welcome.




  1. By not showing interest in your run, it doesn't mean that they aren't interested in saving the planet. They may have their own run and don't need/can't be bothered to join another run. They may have all they can handle with their own club actions. Be thankful that 1% showed interest. You might also take a look at what you are offering if only 1% showed interest. Maybe changing the run to something else would help or looking at how you are presenting it or even consider that people might be tired of all the runs being done for this cause or that cause.

  2. Dang why dont you just take the beamer and go shopping like the rest of the bored rich kids and leave folks alone.

  3. Most people are smart enough to know that greenhouse gasses are natural and global warming is also natural effects.

    Mars has global warming, the polar ice caps are melting. Do you think this could be due to the sun putting out more solar radiation?

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