
Trekking with a tent in Kenya/Uganda/Rwanda???

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I am going to climb Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in the first week of August and was planning on travelling through Kenya and Uganda, staying mainly south and following Lake Victoria round through Rwanda. Myself and my partner are going to take a tent in the hope of saving some cash, however I have no idea what to expect, campsites/on the side of a road/ in a village???

Any advice? Don't say 'Don't go', we are going and we won't die! lol





  1. Fine, go.

    Let's hope we have enough money left to bring you Home in your own wooden box!

    If you really are going to go then I wish you well.  But remember there is a war/ conflict going on in each of those countries and you may not be welcomed.

  2. .let me tell u this pal, i been in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and not traveling but living there and you find nice people but also you could have you worsts experience especially in RWANDA and most been a MUSUNGU (white man) so think twice what you going to do before do it and one more thing there are tribes in Uganda that will like to have your head for the witch doctor not kitting.

  3. Make a will before you go - god be with you!

  4. I spent 3 years in East Africa, I thoroughly enjoyed it there, but I also had personal protection with me at all times,rifle and handgun, would need to have some sort of protection as you trek through the bush, not just from the array of wild animals that would like to have you for breakfast or dinner, but from the local tribesmen, they have a habit of taking what they want from travellers

              Go , enjoy and may your  God see you safe

  5. You do get campsites, but not that many of them - mainly in the touristy areas.  

    If you wanted to camp outside of a campsite, there probably wouldn't be a problem (so long as your not in a national park or something!), but it would be best for you to seek approval first from the village chairperson, as there is generally not that much land which is not part of a village around L Victoria, and you may end up camped in someones field!  The villagers generally have good English, and are really friendly, so I'm sure they'll be welcoming wherever you go.

    AND - I agree, you will not die!  These countries are very friendly and welcoming, and although there are some troubles in some parts, the areas you want to travel in a perfectly safe so long as you take the necessary precautions, but you sound as if you know this already!

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