
Tren a las nubes, Salta, Argentina?

by Guest66828  |  earlier

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Does anyone know if the tren a las nubes has reopened yet?




  1. yes

  2. a local newspaper published an article that there is a good chance that the train will resume its schedule starting on January 2007.

    A brief summary of the article states that EcoTren, the potentially new owners and future operators of the train tour, issued a press release where they have confirmed resuming services on branch c-14.

       The same corporate group -Tranex, Lesamis and Escopa- is in charge of operating the other famous train tour in deep patagonia, the 'train to the end of the world' in Ushuaia. The group plans to invest approximately 15 million dollars in a period of 4 years which includes the construction of a restaurant in San Antonio de Cobres and the acquisition of new machines.

    In the release, it was also announced that the new pricing for the tour will be significantly lower and it is estimated that trips will start at $135 (pesos), as opposed to $200 (pesos) like in the past. The plan is to offer 2 different types of trips, a deluxe coach and an adventure coach for mostly backpackers.

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