
Trends in immigration will continue to shape the face of the United States.?

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What will this face look like in 2050?




  1. the same shape it has been with the same face - immmirants

    the trend that hurts the most is outsourceing which by the was has nothing to do with anyone.

    as for public assistance, well there are safeguards in place yet are not enforced...

  2. I believe you are once again trying to emphasize race and in particular the recent notion that by 2050 Hispanics mainly from Mexico and South America will have over populated to the point they attain the majority.

    That notion has no basis in fact.

    According to the Pew Hispanic Research center, Hispanics will go from the current 15% to no more than 30%. However even that number projects  the same number of illegals will continue to cross the border.

    All the current signs point towards our securring the border and thereby reducing that number

  3. The entire southwest will look like Mexifornia if Ron Paul does not win

    So looking pretty pessimistic right now

  4. Just look at southern California.


  6. The most dangerous trend that I see right now has nothing to do with Mexicans. We could argue all day whether having a bunch of uneducated uskilled laborers is a good thing or not, but, despite their numbers, they are of little significance.

    The really important immigrants are of different kind: highly educated, enterpreneureal people who come here with great ambitions. These people used to come in droves in 1990s. Not anymore. On the countrary, lots of the people who came here in 1990s are going back to their countries and taking their skills with them. Nobody is ringing an alarm bell despite  far more dreadful long-term consequences than even a billion of Mexicans could ever inflict.

    US does not produce enough of those people. US educational system is simply not competitive. In fact, throughout its entire history, the US relied on constant influx of these people. Whithout them, this country is not much different from Mexico.

    The backbone of this country is 5% of people who pay vast majority of taxes and employ most of it's population. Not all of them are immigrants, but with the way things are going, there may no longer be a reason to stick around.

    Other countries might be able and more than willing to fulfill their ambitions. If a significant percentage leaves, watch a stunning economic collapse of epic proportions.

  7. just like it does now, we are a variety of people and will continue to be

  8. It will be life without a Mexican.


    United States Air Force Recruiter

  9. Of course.  It always has.  The country is shaped by who gets in and who does not.  It's also shaped by the growth patterns of the ethnic groups who are already here and by the rate of intermarriage among groups.

    Who knows what America will look like in 40 years?  We don't know what will happen in the country, continent, world to change the immigrant patterns, do we?

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