
Tri-Vi Sol vitamin drops?

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I'm 100% breastfeeding my 8 week old baby and I've recently read about vitamin drops for infants \toddlers called Tri-Vi-Sol drops. Do a lot of breastfeeding mothers give these to their baby? If so are there any side effects when given to baby? If I'm taking a prenatal vitamin with IRON should I not take it if I start giving my baby Tri-vi-Sol with Iron? Will my baby \be getting too much irom if I'm taking a prenatal with iron and she's taking tri-vi-sol with iron also?




  1. There is no need for a baby to receive vitamins unless they are showing signs of deficiency. You breast milk will provide everything your baby needs. As for iron, breast milk may seem to be "low" in iron, but it is in a more natural form that is easily utilized by your baby's body, so it provides all she needs, in conjunction with her iron stores which, if you exclusively breastfeed for at least 6 months, will last for at least 12 months or longer.

  2. Talk to your doctor.  It's usually a prescription.  

  3. Those drops made my sensitive, exclusively BFed baby p**p blood. Have your baby's blood tested at 6 or 12 mos and go from there. My exclusively BFed baby was fine at 12 months, with only 3 doses of vitamins and no food. (due to allergies, yes she started solids then!) ALL BFed babies get enough from Mom for at least 6 months.  

  4. my doc recommended waiting until 6 months to give the vitamins

  5. Too much iron and the poor baby wont be able to p**p. I would suggest leaving up to your doctor. If the baby is gaining weight and growing, keep doing what you are doing.  

  6. I only gave my baby vitamin d supplement at that age


    Thanks for the thumbs down ... In CANADA it is recommended that a breast fed baby receive a vitamin d supplement!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I am a breastfeeding mother who takes prenatal vitamins. I give my 6 month old son poly vi sol vitamin drops without iron. That's what his dr recommended. No side effects!

  8. Most breastfed babies do not need extra vitamins.

  9. My pediatrcian told me to get poly vi sol for my baby. Hes now 7 weeks, no problems. It stinks but they say it tastes good.  

  10. my daughter is taking these vitamins. im breastfeeding her an di still take prenatals. the doctor prescribed them to her a month ago cause she had an extra calcium build up on one of her rib bones, so that is why. im not sure otherwise.  

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