
Trial usurp home

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Lourdes Castro, 37, has been judged this morning in the Criminal 2 of Cordoba by the usurpation of his own home. The woman and her two children, nine and 12, were evicted on October 19, 2012 for non-payment of a mortgage to Banco Santander worth 72,000 euros. The property had been auctioned and acquired by a company based in Luxembourg Residential Properties call that requested the eviction. The prosecution accused of a crime of usurpation and asks for a fine of three euros a day for three months. The prosecution requested the eviction of the family and a fine of six euros a day for a year and ordered to pay 3,000 euros in damages.

Just days after executing the eviction, Lourdes received a call from a neighbor telling her that her door was open. The new lock installed after the eviction appeared intact and the keys inside the house. Lourdes took her children and again occupied housing.

The judge has granted the request of the attorney for the accused who claimed to stay proceedings at his own request, defended the expropriation of the house, under the Law of the Social Role of the Housing Board. As expected, the request has fallen on deaf ears because the autonomous law is suspended by the Constitutional Court at the request of the central government, which appealed.

At the hearing, Lourdes Castro explained to the room that stopped paying the mortgage after becoming unemployed and when the subsidy only gave him 426 euros to support themselves and their children. The woman has claimed that all his attempts to negotiate with the company failed due to his insistence on money. It has shelled with the help of the Platform Stop Evictions came almost to agree with Residential Properties payment of 4,000 euros plus a social contract with future rental option. But at the last moment, he says, the company asked for more money and she could not cope with it. Shortly after, there was the first attempt to eviction, July 18, 2012. The court delegation could not execute the launch of the family because a hundred people surrounded the house Stop Evictions and prevented access.

The prosecution and the prosecution stand that Lourdes occupies a property that is not legally yours knowingly and criticize, until March 2013, she did not seek a solution to find another house through the Junta de AndalucÃ_a, assuming that Lourdes accepted the occupation, not more. She, on the other hand contends that his situation is temporary and is open to finding a solution through a social rent " you can afford based on my current situation."

 Tags: home, trial, usurp

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