Anyone Else See Them?
I've seen four in the past maybe 5 years.
The first flew maybe a little more than 20 feet over my head [which is extremely friggin close..] and it was massive, with three lights at each corner in which looked as though they were made of molten lava or magma. The sound of it was like a deep helicopter as though it's sound almost becomes negative with the soud barrier.. hard to explain. and it was flying over where my house was in the woods at about a speed that I could run to.
There were three other triangular ones I saw on another night though they were all seen around the same moment.
They were somewhat above where the airports location is and instead of flying with the triangle facing down, the were stood up, and there was nothing in the middle, just the edges were of light, almost like a rainbow of lights, mainly consisting of blueish and white and some orange. and the ends would light up more than the edges at times. They seemed to go up and down occasionally and side to side, then about two hours later they just dissapeared at the same time.
I'm had tons of experiences with ufo's, but has anyone else had any encounters with these triangular ones?