
Tribal Tattoo (Pics Inside)?

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Thinking off getting this on my upper left arm. What do you think?




  1. WHY?

  2. Vulgar and plain sorry.

    You can find one better  

  3. Isn't that the same tattoo that Bill Goldberg has on his upper arm/shoulder area??

  4. it looks cool and i like it

  5. I am going to start out by saying, it is your body so do what you like.  In my opinion tribal is way way over done and has no meaning.  You don't belong to a tribe, you have no idea what it means or anything like that. I feel like people who want a tattoo but don't know what to get, get tribal. I think you should put more thought into your tattoo and think about yourself and your life and come up with something that is meaningful to you.  Again, it is your body so do what you want. Good Luck!

  6. I like it but think you should change it a little, so its just yours, maybe put some red on it, or blue, or slightly change the design.

    Also at the palce where i go, the artists always say they are bored when doing black tribal after black tribal.

    give them something interesting to do, theyl enjoy it more, and you will, knowing that no one else on the planet has a tattoo quite like yours.  

  7. you asked what people thought


    I hate it with a passion

    even with the meaning

    tribal is's been done a billion times and in my opinion, never looked good to start with

    but if you're into it, and you'll be happy with it, you should get it

    and I hope you do end up happy with it

    good luck

  8. I know that tribal s can be good or bad. I know that they have a certain appeal, and have been used a lot in the last few years. But why you get one is the point I'd like to ask you. Does it really mean a d**n thing to you? Do you just think that it will be 'cool'?  Do you genuinely love it.

    Do you have a true understanding of the history of tribal tattoos? Are you like The Rock (Dwayne Johnson, who's actual family history goes with his tattoos:

    Your design is o.k. It isn't dynamic and lacks 'punch' because it hasn't the substance behind that makes a great tattoo.

    Here is a quote from Karen Hudson:

    "If you're dead-set on getting a tattoo that is from a language or culture you don't personally understand, at least do some research. You'll avoid a lot of personal humiliation and gain a lot more respect for the culture it comes from."

    If you want to check out some ideas along this line before you ink, check out tattoo history at this site:

    Just think before you ink.

    good luck

  9. tribal is so over done. most tattoo artists hate doing them. at least the ones i go to do. find something more original! be creative. if you want tribal, design one yourself, that way you're sure that no one else has it or will ever have it. maybe take the one you want and add/subtract things.  

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