
Tricks and Tips to make your eyes look bigger?

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Are there any ticks you can do with eyeliner that can make your yes look bigger Can you tell me how to do it? Can you tell me how what products to use and all that!? I dont know if it helps but I have blue eyes!? THANKS!




  1. Don't use eyeliner around the whole eye if you have small eyes. Use a dark brown along the bottom.

  2. white eyeliner in the inner rim

  3. i have semi-huge eyes already but i like to go for the saucer look too :}

    i wouldn't suggest all of them at once unless you're going for a totally avante garde look, but:

    white eyeliner, either all the way around you bottom inner rimes or just on the outer conners of the rims.

    with your pinky finker dip it into some powder white eyeshadow (bonbons works just find, and it's less than $1) and just touch your finger to the inner corner of your eye. then use lengthening mascara in whatever color you want, black adds the most wow! effect, i think.

    orrr, if you want to go all out, put that white eyeshadow all over your lids. it might look weird at first but if you like it who cares what others think. own it and make it work.

    hope this help some :}}}

  4. try using a  basic white eyeliner on your waterline, and a black liner on your upper lash line. Such as Rimmel Kohl eyeliner.  

    glad to help :]  

  5. Use a darker eyeliner on your inner waterline than you do on your top lash line. Curl your eyelashes. Use Navy Blue eyeliner and/or mascara. Try neutral eyeshadows so all of the focus is on your beautiful blue eyes!

  6. Line your eyes thicker, of course with black color.  

  7. if you type in caps, your "yes" may look this YES O.o lol j/k. DON'T line the whole eye...start somewhere near the middle, and smudge!! nothing worse than that hard line!!!

  8. Well to make your eyes look bigger i would open them really wide! LOL! Just kidding! Hmmmm.... I would wear a good mascara a black one would be nice but ive heard brown looks good with blue eyes! Maybe a liquid eye liner a pretty thin line though not to thick but then again pencil would be really good too! And try a grayish or brown smokey eyeshadow that would really make your eyes pop! Hope this helps!

  9. That's what makesup's all about.  Use eyeliner and mascara to draw attention to your eyes, and eyeshadow to make them seem larger.  Visit your nearest department store cosmetics counter.  They'll show you how.

  10. go to this link

  11. well you want to wear mascara (*highend* Dior show at (*lowend* maybelline collasal mascara), black is always good but also since you have blue eyes brown would be good to.  a thin line of liner on the top right above your lashes as close the lashes as possible (*highend* mac's blacktrack fluidline) or (*lowend* Jane gel eyeliner).  a  brown eyeshadow to make your eyes pop (*highend* woodwinked eyeshadow) or (*lowend* Avon smooth mineral eyeshadow in russet or bronzestone also nyx has good eyeshadows  also putting a white or flesh toned liner on your waterline with make your eyes look way bigger ( fasinating eye kohl) or (Avon smooth over eye definer in white highlighter).  and finally a highlight eyeshadow in the inner corner of your eye ( any white or cream tone shimmery eyeshadow would work).

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