I want to start riding a bike to lose weight, but was concerned because I'm a very large woman and don't have much balance.
I recently bought a Schwinn Tricycle because I figured it would help with the balance issue plus provide extra support.
The tricycle itself is a tank. It weighs 77 pounds and is super strong. It would support me no problem. My only issue is the tires. They practically flatten out when I try to get on it and I'm afraid if I put my weight on it that they'll pop.
I've heard there are solid tires, I'm wondering if those will help? Will it put any additional pressure on the frame? I certainly don't want anything to bend or break.
Any advice from anyone who knows a lot about bikes or big people or has experienced the same problem, would be helpful. Thank you so much!
(And if you're some ****** that's going to be a jerk, please save us both the time and don't write some stupid comment. Thanks.)