
Tricycle for Larger Woman...How to Make it Work?

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I want to start riding a bike to lose weight, but was concerned because I'm a very large woman and don't have much balance.

I recently bought a Schwinn Tricycle because I figured it would help with the balance issue plus provide extra support.

The tricycle itself is a tank. It weighs 77 pounds and is super strong. It would support me no problem. My only issue is the tires. They practically flatten out when I try to get on it and I'm afraid if I put my weight on it that they'll pop.

I've heard there are solid tires, I'm wondering if those will help? Will it put any additional pressure on the frame? I certainly don't want anything to bend or break.

Any advice from anyone who knows a lot about bikes or big people or has experienced the same problem, would be helpful. Thank you so much!

(And if you're some ****** that's going to be a jerk, please save us both the time and don't write some stupid comment. Thanks.)




  1. Start with making sure they have sufficient pressure in them.   If they're standard MTB style wheels and tires,  they can handle 65psi easily.     If they're skinny road tires (unlikely), they may be able to take 120-150psi.   Check the sidewall of one of the tires.   Max pressure will be marked there.  

    My friend has a tandem, and obviously the tires handle two of us.   Granted, we're not huge, but still.  

    I know nothing about solid tires, but in addition to being heavy, they'll give you a really harsh ride.

    Good luck with your program.   Getting out the door and started is always the hardest part.

  2. Yes,. first make sure the tires are pumped up to maximum pressure.  

    If they look a little too flattened for your liking, take down all  the numbers off your present tires, and also off the rim/wheel

    Take these numbers to a quality FAMILY, not racing, bike shop and ask for the widest medium pressure tire that will fit.  Maybe something lie a "Big Apple, a nice big tire that takes 80lbs maybe.

    This should help.

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