
Tried Inducing .. sharp pains that last for a few seconds?

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This morning my husband and I tried to induce by s*x ... ever since I have been having sharp pains that last for a few seconds ... so I know they are not contractions ...

Do you know what it is that I am feeling? Does the pain mean its working?




  1. i think you should stop having s*x til after the birth as then it will not give you any pains.see if when you don't have s*x whether you had any pains maybe the s*x gives you the pain try without s*x and see whether you have any pain

  2. SOOO funny! I am experiencing the same thing. I am 9 months and have already stayed the night at the hospital. The Dr. told me that it is most likely that the pain is caused from your baby moving their way into the birthing canal. Not that he is there but that he is moving in that direction. Also, your pelvis splits apart. Not breaks but moves apart to make way for the birth of your baby. So the combination gives you a shooting, piercing pain right down into your crotch that makes you want to pee a little. Right?!?!?

    I would say that your body is preparing to give birth and not to worry. If the pain is accompanied with dark period looking blood then call Dr. or just show up at labor & delivery. If there is a little blood after s*x, that's normal.  

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