
Tried and True? Whats the best thing to use to clean your system of toxins and drugs?

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I want to clean up. I've been told to use ruebarb and golden seal.




  1. LOL.  Nothing you eat, drink or squirt up your *** will "clean your system of toxins and drugs".  

    Your system will clean itself up, given TIME and stopping exposure.

  2. Good old H20    ;P    !!!

  3. Your body automatically does this and almost no supplements make any difference.

    The one exception I know of is EDTA, which can be very dangerous.

    Gentle exercise helps, as does massage.  Your liver and kidneys do most of detoxification and so stimulating the corresponding meridians helps.

    Of course, if you stop putting toxins in your body...  Also if you stop overloading your liver with fat and sugar, it's capable of processing more toxins.

  4. Water and apple juice... try not to have sugar for a while... makes you exhausted!

  5. Rhubarb will make you sprint to the loo!!!! if you eat a lot of it. I don't know about golden seal though.

    But here's what I've done. Broccoli - eat a head of it every day - raw. I forget the name of the anti-oxidant that's in broccoli, but it binds with the toxins in your body, converts them into safer molecules and eliminates them from your body. It's also got calcium, vitamin c, fibre.

    Also eat organic fruit & veg, drink hot water and lemon juice in the morning half an hour before you eat breakfast to cleanse your liver, get lots of sleep and exercise to sweat out the toxins. Exercise is more important than your diet as it regulates the metabolism. Only eat small amounts of meat and only if it's organic as otherwise it's full of hormones and pesticides. Get a colonic. Drink herbal teas without caffeine. Eat lots of fibre to eliminate faster. Avoid all sugar and diary. It 'll take a while to clean the toxins out as it's taken a lifetime to build a body full of them, but I hope these things help.

  6. Drink lots of water.

    The triedest and the truest.

  7. "Time"


    Strip in a red bottle.

    Used it and passed 3 pee tests

  9. A gallon of bleach.

  10. Lots of water. I have also been told green tea is very good for this sort of thing as well.

  11. tried and true? is eating healthy all the time; plenty of water; green tea; clean living.

  12. 4 oz vinegar mixed w/ 2 oz. of your own urine.

    You'll be clean overnight.

  13. tea strong in anti oxidants.

  14. water and/or cranberry juice.

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