
Tried to steal, but in the end didnt, will cops come to my house?

by  |  earlier

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I tried to steal, but i think the employ knew i was going to steal so i therw the item behind another box and hid it. They asked me to empty my pocket and i didnt have anything with me. so they let me go and they asked me to empty my pocket when i was about to leave also. Will they call the cops and wil they come to my house? i didnt give my information, but they did have cameras, it was bestbuy. The item was around 100 bux. I am 21.




  1. If they were going to call the cops they would have done so immediately.  I think you're in the clear on this occasion.  Just don't go back there.

    Seriously, the jail time isn't worth it.  Don't bother stealing.  Think about how much time you'd spend inside for the sake of 100 bucks.  

  2. most likley not because they asked u to empty pockets unless they saw u put something in ur pocket so most likley not

  3. no as long as they dident catch you with it on your person i think your fine.  Be more stealthy next time man!

  4. u stole didnt you buster.... tell the truth old boy.... is it in your pants pocket?? go on take it back to bestbuy now and get the chair for your

  5. no the cops wont come to your house.  if the store was going to try and arrest you then they would have had the cops come to the store. didn't actually take anything..and they can get in trouble for searching you when you didn't have anything on you. the employees have to watch you every single second and make sure that you are stealing something before asking you to to empty your pockets. (believe me..i used to work retail and have many times had to follow people around the store making sure not to take my eye off of them because then we wouldn't be able to say anything to them). oh and i wouldn't go back into that store anytime soon..they will be watching you like a hawk the entire time you are in the store.

  6. If you didn't leave the store, you did not actually commit a crime.  It's when you leave the store with the merchandise without paying for it that you actually commit the crimes.  Therefore, the cops will not come because you didn't actually do anything.

    I hope this taught you a lesson, though.  There are three general rules for staying out of trouble with the law:

    1.  Don't touch other people unless they want to be touched.

    2.  Don't take other people's stuff without their direct permission.

    3.  If you really, really have to use drugs, do it in your own home and don't ever do it in your car.  If you do need to drive drugs around, put 'em in the trunk where no one can find them easily.

    I think everyone tries to steal something at least once in their life.  It's normal.  It's what you do afterwards (keep it up vs. stop) that shapes your life path.

  7. If they didn't get any information from you and don't know you from previously, I wouldn't worry about it.  I'm glad you changed your mind.  

  8. You have to do the crime before you do the time!!  I'm sure they will watch you or put you their  "almost got caught stealing list."  just don't do it again!!

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