
Trig Palin's father is surely Todd Palin, but who is the mother?

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Is Trig's mother Sarah, or Bristol?




  1. So ... where in this obviously biased article does it say anything about incest?

  2. You & the media are definitely sick. Daily Kos...geez 1st amendments rights, indeed. Didn't take long at all, did it? To drag up some fabricated garbage to spew around the net.

    When are you gonna post the s*x pictures of M&P doin' it? Slime.

  3. nice try barack but every one knows your a liar and shouldn't you be out feeding your unicorn or maybe taking Michelle out for a walk, and who the h**l is the made up writer of that fib arcxix I'm sure he's about as accomplished as you barack and in closing let me say this I know for a fact I could go to Illinois and tell any one of it's citizens that barack obama is a jerk and a fraud and shouldn't be president and they would agree but I would never go to alaska and say anything bad about sarah and expect to leave alive, In alaska they all have bumper stickers that say "we have the coldest state and the hottest governor" and you know what they are right, barack you are the fraud and won't even carry your own state and will lose in a landslide proving hillary right you are not electable and biden agreed////

  4. Dont read that stuff - itll fry your brain.

  5. And the sky is purple...

    Really stop showing your ignorace and getting your info from stupid sites.

  6. Daily kos in only good to line bird cages. Your insinuations of incest make you worthy of nothing better than to have the same sole purpose .

  7. Palin made public appearances during her pregnancy.  Everybody saw that she was pregnant?

  8. You're pathetic

  9. Sarah is the mother.

    LEAVE the kids out of this or we'll make you like omamaidiots internationally.

  10. Don't you think if they were trying to cover up their daughter's growing pregnant belly they would have advised her to wear loose clothing.  Instead, she wore a tight shirt.  My 12 year old stomach looks just like Bristals.  My 12 year old is NOT pregnant, her stomach has looked this way since I met her at the age of 3.  Children's stomachs don't look "fat" the way adults stomachs look "fat".  If a kid is slightly overweight (or not skinny as a stick like todays standards) Bristals stomach is what they look like.  

    I did not start showing until about 6 months with my first child, and with my second I barely showed at 9 months.  The day before I went into labor a lady in a store ask if I was pregnant, I said yes, due next week (she was 5 days early) and she was like "oh, you look maybe 4 or 5 months!) I gained only 15 pounds with my second.  All women carry kids differently, and her clothing was not tight at all.  It was dark, straight clothing, that had no shape, so it would be very hard to tell if she was pregnant based on her looks.

  11. The decline of western civilization is upon us.

    Stupid question.

  12. The question is in bad taste.  

  13. very interesting..  

  14. This sounds bizarre...I am sure the truth will come out on this

    one way or sounds like a piece in the *National Enquirer*

    Truth is storage then fiction?

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