
Trimming orchids?

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My phalaenopsis orchid has dropped all of its flowers, so it's time to trim it - which is normal for this season, right? I think the spike is dead now, but I'm not sure; the top has definitely dried out, and the bottom is very dark. However, I'm pretty sure the plant is still alive because the old leaves are falling off and new leaves are growing. Please tell me where to cut the spike. Thanks in advance!




  1. Just cut it all the way back to the base where it comes out of the leaves.

  2. He's right.  Just make sure it's dead first, then cut it to the roots. Also, now is the time to repot it, if need be.

  3. Phalaenopsis orchids are known for their ability to resprout from existing stems, during and after their first flowers have bloomed.  Once the stem dies it cannot do this, though it's always worth leaving it until it is pretty much dead, and then cutting back - as it's a shame to lose some flowers.  You say the bottom of the stem is very dark - if it's brown it's probably dead, though ultimately it's the drying out that signifies this, as with the top part of your flower spike.

    Cut it as low as possible, just above where it protrudes from the base of your plant, as it has no function afterwards, and would interfere with other plant growth by being an obstruction - it's also good to remove dead growth from plants in general, so that diseases can't multiply, such as fungus etc.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!  Rob
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