
Trini medicine for the cold?

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I have a cold for two weeks now and I've thought it was going - but I've started coughing again! I don't want any more antibiotics - whats a good remedy




  1. Curious, grate a few cloves of garlic and a bit of ginger and mix it with honey and then eat it (about 2 spoons, depends on how bad your cough is). It will probably burn going down but it will get rid of that bug in a couple days.

  2. Try zebbapique (it eh d bess tastin ting but it does reall work...i fine...Hope u feel better soon chicky :)

  3. take some vitamin C tablets or go an run off d cold

  4. Melt soft candle and vicks. Let it cool a bit and when still in liquid form rub on chest then place a ripped brown paper bag on chest. Cover yuhself with a t-shirt. Drink a cap of rum (This really ha nothing to do with it.) and go to sleep. Talk to meh in the morning.

  5. that depends - do you act like ur dying when you get it or are you still mobile?  Take your Vicks 44 or Buckleys, keep your nose and throat clear, drink alot of fluids, try to sweat (any method that works for you) - pay no attention to it - ie. don't go acting like ur dying and want to stay rolled up in bed. Try to stay active as much as possible & help your body fight it.

    It lasts for 2days with me when I do this. (mainly because I don't get pampered & have to keep doing my work)

  6. Hey Friggy is right! not so long ago I've been told about zebapeak and vermouth. Supposed to be a cure for really bad colds. And it does taste nasty eh so doh say you weren't warned. Try cerio pronounced bush tea for the cough, it clears up that thick mucus you get after the cold. It works, take it from me. If you looking for something pharmaceutical though, go with Bisolvon, that helps too. Hope u feel better soon! If not, the ultimate Trini remedy for any illness whatsoever is...

    sea-water, go take ah dip in de sea!

  7. girl be careful with cerio oui, cause if you drink that and follow it with ah cup of tea you will throw up every thing!

    but zebapique and puncheon real good, but make sure and soak it in d bottle of puncheon for a while before you drink it.....that definitely dont taste good, but is ah good reason to take ah drink ah puncheon. lol

    or my favourite shandelier bush - pong up d leaves, squeeze out d juice and mix with ah little salt to get rid of d 'green' taste.  dat does work wonders.

    hope you get rid of that cold fast, cause every one who has had it claims that it takes up residence and wont leave.

  8. Try some Buckleys... the taste is bad (warning) but it really helps...

  9. Hey girlie

    I found that most of the coughing happens during the night.... what helped me was to make sure that my neck, back and chest were warm. I'd rub down with vix in these areas and maybe put on a turtle neck or a sweater with a Hood. The warmer you keep your body the better for the " cold" on your chest thats making you cough so much.

    For the cold the best thing you can do for your body is to supply it with as much vitamin C.  Oranges.. fresh ones are best or grapefruit even some lemon and honey warmed up before sleeping will soothe your throat while getting you some of that well needed vit C.

    Try to do it the natural way babes... get your rest and keep your water intake up and let your body do its job.  It sounds simple ma.. but it works.. don't pump yourself with too much alcohol or antibiotics.... sometimes when your flu runs its course it helps your body to build up the necessary ammo to ward of other viruses.

    And last but not least.. ;wash your hands often:).. cream too hehe



  10. One nasty cold just pass thru meh house....mix some fresh lime juice with honey and take it a teaspoon at a time; let it run down the back of your throat. Also, drink plenty green tea with honey, or boil some ginger tea, and lightly roast garlic cloves and have it on toast. Helped both me and meh husband.

    Feel better!

  11. I looking for ah cure meh self.

    Dis oman tell meh tuh mix ah spoon ah Bayrum with some honey and drink it.

    De way I fraid medicine I eh doing dat nah.

    If yuh try it, yuh go tell meh if it work, den ah might try it.

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