
Trinitarians, did you get a good grade in mathematics?

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Trinitarians, did you get a good grade in mathematics?




  1. You should ask trinitarians or any other god believer, for that matter, if they believe in the scientific method instead.

    Basically, the scientific method consists of finding what conclusion can be drawn from established facts, empirical evidence, research and observation.

    While the "God did it" method consists of establishing a conclusion first before finding a number of evidence to fit your conclusion now matter how questionable and implausible they are.

    As for the trinitarian thing, this has been interpreted by a different number of Christian sects in dozens of different ways and the only thing they share is that they all lack evidence to support their claims.  

  2. Do you get a good grade in science? If you can grasp that H2O exists in three forms (solid, liquid, vapor) then you can grasp how God can exist in three forms (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

  3. yes.... call me a nerd if you want but math was one of my favorite subjects (except geometry, i hated dealing with the proofs)

  4. Yeah.

    Try this equation, which proves the concept of the Trinity:

    1 X 1 X 1 = 1.

  5. are farms are better

  6. yes thank you  maths  was always  my best subject.

  7. And I do well in reasoning and philosophy...

    God created man in His image...

    YOU are body soul and spirit...

    HEY, wait!   That's three in one.... what the???!!?

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