
Trip Sponsorship?

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I am in 12th grade and for our senior trip my school is taking us to Israel. My class needs to raise the money ourselves and with only a few weeks until deadline, we are way short of our goal. are there any charitable organizations, programs or companies out there that sponsor things like this?




  1. Sorry, I am not sure, but I am going to Florida which is not as good as Israel. I really wish I could go to Israel!

  2. No, there are no organizations that pay for trips for high school students abroad.

    Your question is a frequently asked one on Yahoo!Answers Community Service. If you will do a search on the resolved questions, you will find many suggestions on ways for you yourself to raise money for your trip.

  3. Pull together a talent show (FAST!!!) and charge $5 admission per person! Perhaps some faculty members would even participate!

    You can also try to ask some locally owned (Jewish?) businesses for sponsorship!

    Good luck!
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