
Trip across the US this summer - should I pre-book motels/hotels????

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I am planning a big trip (poss 3 months) across the States this summer with a mate.

Thing is, I can't work out if it is best to prebook the motels/hotels or see what we can find when we get there.

Clearly cost is important. I don't want to be left with the most expensive jaunts in town as all the affordable places have been snapped up.

My sister has travelled across South America, SE Asia and Oz and she reckons I should pre-book two days max and then see what deals I can get from there.

The Rough Guide tells me that most visitor centres in the US have money off vouchers for local motels/hotels. It doesn't say if pre-booking or not is a good idea.

What should I do!??? Clearly cost is very important.

Advice and comms appreciated!




  1. richard c said where possible avoid the interstate so that you can see the real America

    First class advice - you'll have much more fun and meet nicer people.

  2. There are also some godo motel chains across the USA and that might be another option. I would prebook to be honest as you never know what events what might be goign on locally. Ihave got unlucky that way before and had to sleep in me car :)

    Might be also worth checking someone such as who deal in short-term rental apartments and who deal with a number of locations.

  3. You can find cheap hotels really easily in America, they are usually sign-posted off main roads.  Personally, unless you want to stay at a specific place that doesn't have much accommodation, I would not book.  If you allow yourself enough money for 'emergencies' in case you can't find a cheap hotel, I think you would be OK - of course sometimes the hotels are a little out of town and that's what makes them cheap.  For example, I usually fly from the UK to the USA for the America Grand Prix, I book a hotel as I know where I want to stay - last year it was $55 for the night - that's under £30 and that's for a room with two double beds so you could, if trying to save money, get two couples in one room, or at least two friends in separate beds.  I think the cheaper ones are fine for a night, usually clean and tidy and sometimes pretty basic.  I think, from memory, there's Motel (or Hotel) 8, Econolodge.  Good luck and enjoy - happy travelling!

  4. Been there and done that. You will lose a lot of flexibility on your trip if you pre-book and you will feel like you are running to a time table. Book your first and last night hotels and then make the rest up as you go along. Dont pre plan your route too much either, take some wild diversions north and south on route and where possible avoid the interstate so that you can see the real America. Motels are everywhere and if you are not over fussy about its location (i.e out of town is cheapest) you can pick up some great bargains. Budget around £30 per room per night. I bought a tent and sleeping bag while i was doing my trip and stayed several nights at campgrounds i found along the road. This is where you meet the people and really get into the American Dream. Have a great trip.

  5. Im soooooo Jealous!!!

    We only travelled the florida coast but there wasnt any need at all to book hotels, there are millions of them!  And you can pick up brochures everywhere that have discount coupons in them.  

    Also if you dont book you can go wherever you like and stop when you are tired!!  If you dont like a place move on, if you do like a place stay for a few days!

    I would highly recommend key west its a fantastic lazy place, i loved it, san francisco is also wonderful, i have yet to explore the rest of america but the country is amazing!

    Oh, i did notice that when you leave England they like you to give an address so it might be worth while booking you first couple of nights somewhere and take it from there.


  6. I would and do only book the first night - often needed at US immigration - from then on you will almost certainly get good deals by just turning up  late afternoon evening. Worst case scenario is you spend an odd night in the car but this is most unlikely

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