
Trip to Amsterdam?

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I was just wondering what language they speak in amsterdam? does anyone know




  1. Dutch, the official language of the Netherlands (German being the language spoken in Germany...)

    Still, most Dutchmen know their English vocabulary, especially in Amsterdam. So don't worry, there's a chance you'll hear more English than Dutch.

  2. It's Dutch as Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands so Dutch is the official language

    ... however, if you take a walk in the main parts of the centre at this time of the year, actually you will not hear much Dutch normally!  Due to the influx of tourists there will be a whole range of different languages, with English (and to a lesser degree German) being the main languages with which to communicate mutually between different parties

  3. They speak Dutch. Just like the rest of the country. But most of them also speak English and French along with several other languages.

  4. If you hang out in Central'll be the same as in Central Montreal for English speakers...but the hometown language is it seems to be French in Montreal...nevertheless, most people will be able to communicate with you.

    Reason being that England is to the West and Germany is to the East. Dutch people are the little people in between.

    There are smaller people though in neighbouring Belgium

    (they are called Smurfs).

    Now YOU know.

  5. They speak Dutch. Also English is spoken but not quite as common, along side other European languages such as German, Flemish, French etc.

  6. Dutch.. But you can speak English.. as well
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