
Trip to Peru?

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I am 16 and my school is planning a trip to Peru it will be with my wonderful Spanish teacher and other students at the school in Spanish. My mom is skeptical she wants to know if it is safe, do you need shots or immunizaiotns. So iff anyone could tell me 1) If it is safe and 2) if you need any type of shots or immunizations. That would be great thanks.




  1. Peru is safe people have the wrong idea about my country.

    We have special police for tourist in all the important touristic places here.

    If you are going to the jungle you might wanna get the shot for the yellow fever.

    Some advice: drink only bottle water and don't eat to much condiment, tourist tend to get sick because our food is reach with condiments and many are not use to it, you might get sick for a couple of days.

    Have fun and enjoy your time here ! :D

  2. Nothing in the world is 100% safe, not even attending school in the US.  But traveling in Peru is at least several degrees safer than traveling anywhere in the US.  The only place in Peru where an innoculation is required is in the Madre de Dios region--for yellow fever.

  3. Hi smartgirl!

    Yes, it is very safe to travel to Peru. We have no terrorists now (we did in the 80's and 90's) the economy is quite stable and every month we do have a huge input of tourism from all over the world.

    The only shot you would need is the yellow fever shot only if you are travelling into the jungle. If you are staying in Lima or going to the highlands (Cuzco) you need no shots at all.

    Just so you mum will be reassured that it's safe, all the schools in Lima (private included) go to Cuzco on their prom trip, I'm talking about 80 to 90 children ages 17 with their teachers (about 4) and nothing bad ever happened.

    You will have a wonderful time here, the food is great and you can buy lots of nice handicrafts and clothes made out of alpaca wool.

    Also, browse all the questions posted in this category (Peru) you will find a lot of information from other tourists who have come here.

    And we dont have any restrictions from the American government, no warning or safety issue for Peru in the government web page so that can tell your mum that it's pretty safe down here!

    Enjoy Peru!

  4. If you go to the jungle, you need vaccines. Otherwise, no. It's actually very different. A totaly 3rd World Country!

    Kids are out begging on the streets for money. I was there to visit my best friend for 2 weeks. You can learn a lot.

    I think your mom should let you go. You will learn a lot, and can surprise people with your knowledge (yeah, sounds corny)! Haha, but yes. It's a wonderful place. Not the safest place, but if you know where to stay then you'll be just fine.

  5. Peru is a very safe country to travel in, and a group your size should have no problems whatsoever. You should obviously follow common-sense rules such as not taking valuables out if you don't need them, and not leaving things lying around, but I doubt you need take any precautions you wouldn't take on a trip to any US city ;-)

    As far as immunizations go, you should make sure your standard boosters are up-to-date as follows:

    - tetanus

    - hepatitus A

    - typhoid

    These are the standard immunizations given to most children in the US, UK and Europe - you probably have already had them!

    Additionally, if you are travelling to jungle areas east of the Andes and below 2,300m (think Iquitos, Manu or Tambopata) then you will require malaria tablets and a yellow fever shot.

    Hope this all helps,


  6. I'd like to ensure you that it's totally safe to travel in Peru. I backpacked alone and I didn't have any problem. But I need to suggest you that Do not show that you're rich like....wearing daimond necklace or gold or something which's pretty valuable(my peruvian friend warned me about this!) In Lima, just beware when you're in crowded-like bus station or market and do not leave the things unattended but the police did really good job there! Peruvians are somehow generous and friendly though! Just avoid walking alone at night also. But in Cuzco, I felt absolutely safe when I was there even though I used to walked down from Qenko in the night alone! For immunization, you may need to shot for the vaccine anti-malaria or maybe yellow fever(not sure for this)!

  7. well i know one thing peru is awesooooome.. i went there with my family and felll in love with that country :) i say you go there i dont know about the immunizations  but it will probly be safe.

  8. Its definitely safe over there!  Check out this website for more information:
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