
Trip to the eastern North Carolina area..wondering about up coming weather?

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I have a question for people that live in eastern North Carolina or for anybody that's been in the Greenville and Atlantic Beach area.

I am flying out next Saturday to the Greenville area to visit my family and were planning on going to the beach at Atlantic Beach. I heard it's a little stormy over there right now or might be next week....I was just wondering how the weather is in that area right now and what you heard the weather is suppose to be in the next couple weeks.

Some help would be great! Thank you!




  1. Have you heard about the fires!

    Geez ...we live in southe east VA and the smoke from fires from NC are so bad its making it hard to see. Burning the eyes, making it hard to breathe...

    The weather is "supposed" to clear it out but I heard some say the wind will take it south instead of north.

    The fires are up to 65 square miles (40,000 acers) and only 40% controled I read on the paper.

    The heat has been unuasually hot for the season but is supposed to come back down to a normal level soon. They will take the code orange ozone alert down tommrow they said.

  2. I am in Anderson SC, about 30 min south of Greenville,  it is 8:45 am and already 74 degrees...IT IS HOT!  Expected high today is 98.  Bring some cool clothes!

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