
Triple Black?

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I have a friend who says that he can ski a triple black

I am an pretty good skier (i can ski blacks with relative ease)

Is there such a thing as a triple black ski run?




  1. your friend is lying more than anyone that i have ever met and i would bet you he has never even gone skiing before AND THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A TRIPLE BLACK DIMOND my only helpfull hint is to get a new friend

  2. One thing to remember about trail markings is that there are no set standards to them. The "Black Diamond" trail at the place I work would be a "Blue Square" at most Vermont might even be a "Green" at some places. So saying something is a "Triple Black" only means it it the hardest run at that specific resort.

    Now...I'm not saying a "Triple Black" would be easy by any means. If they exist they are going to be in places where there are a lot of SICK "Double Blacks"....and I've skied some SICK "Doubles".

    "Triple Black" is not a universally recognized trail classification. Most North American slopes only go up to "Doubles". The "Triple" is used in New Zealand. Now...I've known a few Kiwis and they are pretty freakin' if THEY say it's a hard slope to ski, then it's gotta be one h**l of a ski trail!

  3. Noo he is pulling your leg

  4. Smuggler's Notch in VT claims to have the only triple black in the East, but as Wille D mentioned, it is probably Smugg's way of saying "this is our most difficult trail".

    Here's the link to their trail map, the triple black is called the Black Hole:

  5. There are a very few runs  that are considered to be that difficulty, I know of 4 at Whistler Blackcomb in BC, 2 or 3 in California, 3 or 4 in the Rockies, also a couple in Europe and 1 in Alaska. If you think you might be that good, do some research about the most difficult runs ever skied.  Most of these runs are so steep and always ungroomed that even the best are very careful about when they ski them.

  6. Actually, he is pulling your leg. In the United States (Smuggs is an exaggeration) extremely hard runs are ranked only an "Expert, EX" or as a double black.

    Hope this helps.
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