
Triple Test Back...Im High Risk!?

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I had a call from the midwife on thursday to tell me my blood test results were back and im high risk...1:80 !!! (im 34). Im going to the hospital on tuesday morning to discuss and possibly have an amniocentesis.

What i didn't tell the midwife on the day my bloods were originally taken was that i was feeling very unwell that day, id vomited several times that morning & felt very faint. Do you think this could of affected the results of the test and given a false positive result?




  1. dont panic hun lots of women get told there high risk and the bubs fine and they choose not to have the amnio because of the risk to the bub good luck hun and congrats on your bub  

  2. Just bcoz you are high risk it doesn't mean theres something wrong. I suggest going ahead with the amnio and having an ultrasound. God wont give you anything you can't handle.

    Feeling sick on the day woulden't have effected the results. Blood tests are very specific and the lab only looks for what they have been asked to.  

  3. There is always that possibility.  Either way you need to discuss this with your midwife.

    I'm wishing you all the best.  

  4. I'm sorry but if you felt unwell on the day it wont have any effect on the blood test results, as they test for certain things in your blood, then they take in to account your age etc and family history.

    you will be offered the amniocentesis and probably more detailed scans so they can look for soft spots on the baby, try not to worry though as its 1 in 80, and they say its just an indication of the possibility of your baby being high risk not necessary that your baby will have something wrong with them.  

  5. my sister inlaw took this test in her pregnancy and it came out abnormal and she was sad.  but, she went ahead with the pregnancy and decided that God would never give her more than she could handle.  She had waited four years to have that much wanted pregnancy.  Her baby girl was born and was very healthy and normal.  she is a great little girl, and.. I hope you make the right decision.  dont be afraid. have faith.

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