
Triple Test?!? ? what are everyone's thoughts on this test! ?

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Im not to sure if i want this one!!

10w 5d




  1. I had a very bad experience.  I came back at an elevated level for downs syndrome.  One month, countless tears, and being told my baby had downs or possibly triploidy....a very expensive amnio showed a normal baby girl.  

    If you aren't at an increased risk due to age or family history, save yourself the tears and headache and skip it.  The only benefit I see from it is that if there is something wrong, you can mentally prepare yourself for the challenges ahead.  But the false positive rate is astounding....the stress my husband and I went through while waiting for further results was unnecessary.

  2. It depends on your beliefs.  If you would terminate the pregnancy if something unfavorable was found, then you should have the test.  If you wouldn't terminate the pregnancy no matter what the test showed, then don't bother having it.  Plus, keep in mind the test can be wrong, so it's a c**p shoot either way.

  3. it's always good to know and be prepared if there is an abnormality.  that way you have some time to adjust to a less than perfect outcome while the child is still in utero.

    i didn't want the test either, but my midwife let me know that it is good to be prepared and there is no harm on getting the test done.  she gave me a week to think about it and i ended up getting it.

  4. My opinion on this and any tests of this type is, I take it but regardless of the outcome I won't have any additional tests, such as amnios. Most likely it will come back fine, and even if it doesn't, it probably is still fine. I know alot of people that just doesn't have it. I just let the doctor order whatever non-invasive tests he wants though. I never even bothered asking about my results.

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