
Triple de ja vu?????

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i dont know if i spelled it correctly or not but you know that thing where it feels like you've seen somthing exactly the same before? have you ever had it where it feels like you've seen it twice before, so it feels like you've had that same de ja vu before in a way? cause i think i have once... not sure though. i have de ja vu quite alot though. whilst were on the subject, does anyone know why you get de ja vu? (and the correct spelling :p)




  1. its meant to be something that happened in a past life and you remember it as it happens again in this life

    i had triple once it was weird  

  2. sometimes i get a feeling of Deja vu that i had Deva vu in the same place once before.  It's actually one of my favorite feelings.  I think it happens because our senses pick up some of the same odd stimuli and it creates our deja vu feelings.  That is just my thought though.

  3. i've gone through deja vu at least five times, starting when i was only 10. no, probably more than 10...i can't remember anymore.

    someone said to me that deja vu doesn't exist, that it's just something repeated that feels the same, but i have these moments where i'm like, but i've seen this before. i've been here before. she was right there before. it's weird but cool.

    no one really knows why this happens

  4. dani and katisha are on the completely right track.

    we remember only 20% of what we see, hear, feel, smell, and touch.

    the other 80% goes into our subconsious. with deja vu, your mind mushes some of the 80% all together.

    for example, you walk into someone's house (and you've never been there before) and you KNOW you've been there prior to that. well, you havent.

    but maybe you've seen a certain chair, rug, or layout of the house in a catalog, tv show, or other pictures.

    maybe you've smelled a certain smell, and that smell happens to be present in the house.

    get the idea?

    hope i helped =]

  5. yeah happened to me before, not sure why and u speel it Deja Vu!!!

    almost right!!

  6. i don't think anyone knows exactly how or why it happens, but pretty much everyone experiences it to some degree.  the mind is a fascinating thing!

  7. im not exactly sure why u get it but i think its because u see an object or scene that triggers ur mind to suddenly jump to what u saw before. and yes u can have it three times, its actually happened to me four times. xD

    crazy right?

    I always got it when i looked at one of my house clocks hehe

  8. iv had them!

    posibly even 4 or 5 times!

    it really freaks me out actually! They only last about a few seconds but im like OH MY GOWD IV BEEN HERE B4!

    than it goes away!

    why does this happen eh?

  9. its very strange subject & yes its happened to me

    deja vu i think is our subconscious way of 'warning' you that some big decisions/changes are going to be made & must make the right one
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