
Triple negative breast cancer which has come back 5 times and now is in my lungs, Just started avastin ?

by  |  earlier

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and abraxene. Any thoughts on survival or new treatments?




  1. I don't know much about current treatment recommendations for triple neg.

    Have you checked the forums and information at They have some pages that summarize all the oncology conferences and breaking news items.

  2. I don't know much about triple negative but i did find this website designated to triple negative

    You might find this forum link on the website particularly helpful as it is for triple negative brest cancer recurrence/metastisis  On page two and beyond there are some forums discussing avastin.

  3. First, i want to say Congrat, because you are a fighter. I know you can fight that Cancer thats in your Lungs. Continue to hold on don't let cancer take your life you take Cancer life. Continue enjoying life the way you have been. God will not let nothing happen to you that he can't fix just believe that. Read your Bible and pray, because God answer prayer. I will be praying for you as well. God Love U and i do to.

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