
Trivia qestions?

by  |  earlier

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here's a few questions if you know the answers let me know please and thanks.

1. who am i? i was obsessed with "star wars", not the movie.

2. who am i? the nomination to the Supreme Court sparked a debate over sexual harassment.

3. The UN forces in the Persian Gulf War were led by what two military leaders?

4. Who am i? She led the nation's fight for national health care during Clinton's first term.

5. who am i? he was the leader of Russia through most of the 1990s.

6. Did Clinton ever win an election with over 50% of the American public voting for him?

7. Which communist country was the first to begin the "domino chain" of democratization?

8. Which landmark turned 100 years old in 1986?

9. IN 1994 John McCain spearheaded an effort to open up diplomatic relations with this country for the first time in 19 years.

10. What 2 countries went to war over the Falkland Islands in 1980?

10 pts for most answers !!!! :]




  1. 1. Ronald Reagan

    2. Clarence Thomas

    3. Norman Schwartzkop (sp?) & ???

    4. Hillary Rodham Clinton

    5. Boris Yeltsin

    6. Bill Clinton never won a majority during either presidential campaign

    7. Hungary

    8. x*x

    9. Vietnam

    10. Argentina and England

  2. 1. Ronald Reagan

    2. Clarence Thomas

    3. Norman Schwartzkopf and Colin Powell

    4. Hillary Clinton

    5. Boris Yeltsin


    7. Hungary

    8. Statue of Liberty

    9. Vietnam

    10. England and Argentina
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