
Tropical Fish Ten Gallon Tank?

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I'd like to know what is a good mixture of tropical fish. And it must include at least 3 glofish in it. Make sure they don't grow more than 3 inches and they all must be compatible and must fit in a ten gallon tank. Please do not get more then 20 and don't choose any fish that is more than $15 individually and no sharks or eels please! Make sure the fishes don't need live plants because I have already set up the aquarium and it has fake plants in it. And lastly make sure the plants can eat the same type of fish food. Thanks! :)




  1. here are some good mixes with out gold fish

    10-12 neon tetras

    A single dwarf gourami

    5-6 corydoras

    6-8 neon tetras OR 6-8 cherry barbs (top level)

    Female Betta - you might even be able to add 2 more

    5-6 corydora (bottom level)

    -A dwarf gourami

    -6 of the same species of tetra

    -2 corydoras catfish

    3 platies (2 female/1male)

    2 Schwartzi Leopard Cory cats (only get to 1.5 inches!)

    2-3 gold white clouds mountain minnows

    clownfish would do well with a small goby for company. You would need to select a tank with florescent lights, heater, marine test kit, hydrometer and a three stage filter. You would also need three inches of live sand/aragonite as a substrate and a few pounds of live rock. A hermit crab, half a dozen snails, and a small sea star would be a good idea as well.

    rainbowfish. are beatutiful. fancy guppies. neon tetras.

    glowlite tetras and platies.

    mixes including goldfish

    3 glofish, 3 zebra danios, 3 albino coradoras catfish, female betta

    3 goldfish 5 neon tetras

    3 goldfish, 4 female bettas

    4 goldfish, rubberlip pleco

    3 goldfish, 3 hachets, female betta

    6 goldfish

    3 goldfish , paradise fish

  2. ok...glo fish? is that those technicolored danios? if it is, i wouldnt buy them...its weird...and unnatural. if you are a novice fish keeper, i recommend getting some barbs or danios. maybe 5 of one kind or the other. they are so cheap and easy to care for. neon tetras are really cool too and they kind of 'glow'  i think you will like those the best. they are schooling fish and really interesting to watch. i would put like 10 in a ten gallon. maybe put a gourami in there just for something bigger to off set the tiny fish. you could also put one male betta if you want to.

  3. 10-12 neon tetras

    A single dwarf gourami

    5-6 corydoras

    fish don't really need live plants i have fake ones in my tank

  4. 3 glofish, 3 zebra danios, 3 albino coradoras catfish, female betta

    3 glofish, 5 neon tetras

    3 glofish, 4 female bettas

    4 glofish, rubberlip pleco*

    3 glofish, 3 hachets*, female betta

    6 glofish

    3 glofish, paradise fish*

    *A few of those grow over 3 inches but why do they HAVE to be small? Whats the point of having a 10 gallon tank?

    Hope these are helpful to you.


  5. If you want glo fish, you should get a school of 6. So you should get 6 glofish and 3 bottom feeders; corydoras.

    Another alternative is 3 neon tetras, 3 glofish and 3 corydora.

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