
Tropical Storm Fay? Aug 2008?

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Tropical storm Fay is leaving Cuba and She is expected to strengthen into a Hurrican while slamming south Florida

Is any one here in the way of Fay,s path and How much strength do you expect her to grow and do you think Fay will go as far as South Carolina????




  1. You can track it through the National Hurricane Center.  Here is a link. Hope you're not in the way!  

  2. I am not in the way but my dad is. I don't think it is going to hit South Carolina but I live in Ohio so it is hard to tell. Go to a Florida newspaper on line and look into the projected path of Fay. Good Luck and I will take blizzards any day!!!

  3. Well, my sons are in St. Petersburg.  They are not worried.  They will go to work tomorrow, wait for the job to tell them if they would shut down for a couple of days.  Then they will decide if that need to leave the area.  I am in Northern Mississippi. We are never directly hit by hurricanes.  We experienced wind damage from Hurricane Katrina.   Hopefully, the storm will turn and not directly hit Florida.   Because, I worry about my sons in Florida.  

  4. I am no expert but from what I am seeing I do not see it reaching hurricane strength.  It will probably stay a tropical storm with winds under 60 mph and head North across the Florida pan handle.


  5. I live in orlando and its going to go pretty close to us. I don't expect a lot from this hurricane since i've been through so many already. The worst i've been through was Charley because it went right over orlando. But this is only a cat 1 so i don't expect something nuts. I drove around during a cat 1 to get some food at walmart. It could go to S.C but i don't think it will do much since it's over land and can't strengthen.  


    Go to that website for updates on Fay. Its current at tropical storm status, but it could very well strengthen into a hurricane. South Carolina will get something out of it, but nothing severe.

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