
Tropical storm fay??? im terrified of tornadoes...?

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ok i live in jacksonville fl and fay is supposed to be hitting us overnight/tomorrow and i keep watching the weather channel and i don'tt mind thunder,lighting,rain,poweroutagess but i keep see reports about tornadoes and the damage the storm has cause and they say they fay is gonna head off shore and it might strengthen and hit our area next. (lucky us.)i know that tornadoes come in many different forms like rain wraps,water spouts,etct ect. ive been amazingly terrified of tornadoes ever since i heard that they can kill people. as of right now the sky is already dark and its only 6 o clock. if there is a tornado in my area then what kind should it be depending on the storm? and would it hit my house since i live on the west side(i kind of live near flat land)?I'm sooooo terrified i dont want to die i dont want to lose my house im just starting out my high school year and i dont wanna lose my high school oppurtunities??? and if a tornado is heading my way how should i prepare???? and how do i calm my nerveesss????? im sooo terried!




  1. I am dealing with Fay now. There have been two reported tornadoes that have touched ground within 5 miles of me. The good thing about tornadoes produced by hurricanes is that they tend to be very small and short lived. Yes, there could be some damage, but it typically is not devastating.

    I would not worry too much. Keep a weather radio on through the night. If a tornado warning goes off, get away from windows and go into the safest area of your house. Ask your parents where that may be.

    Off topic, I graduated from high school in JAX. I went to Englewood. Good luck with your new school year!

  2. i'm currently in fay right now and i'm SOOOO scared of tornadoes. i'm also starting out high school, although i have school off tomorrow and today. all i can do is pray and i know that God and Jesus will come through for me. you should do the same. :)

    good luck.

  3. I live in tornado alley so I know all about the destruction and death tornadoes can cause. Keep in mind that yes there can be massive destruction in a small or large area, but the death toll over all is not that high. Last spring a tornado hit my county and destroyed many, many homes and trees, but nobody died or really got hurt. The tornado sirens when on after the tornado hit.

    If you are in a warning, get to a basement or a bathroom and cover yourself with something, mattress, blanket, etc

    You will be fine

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