
Tropical storm fay is now turning.?

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as of now (11 p.m.) fay is not moving west but now NORTH WEST. Which indicates it is turning. .If it turns over western Cuba very bad for east Florida, if not then worst for West Florida.

your predictions?




  1. http://www.USAMediaGuide has a special section of links for Fay coverage.  You can get information about the path of the storm, expected rainfall, how to prepare for it and more...all from local news outlets and/or the National Hurricane Center.

  2. I live in Daytona and have been watching this closely. Fay is not a strong one going over Cuba, however, it could strengthen over the Florida straights and the western Gulf. However, I have seen the forecast paths change several times in the past 24 hours.  I really do not think the forecasters know where it is going to go. However, Florida will get some of the outer bands throughout much of the state and the eastern side of the storm is the worst in terms of tornadic activity.  I just keep thinking of Charlie in 04.  It kind of lolly gagged, built up strenght and made a hard right to the east and did a lot of damage.  Time will tell, the should know more once it has passed Cuba.

  3. The less time it spends over water the better.

    However, the models have changed every six hours so it's hard to say.  Here's the thing, with tropical force winds already being felt over 100 miles from the center of the storm, it just has to get close to Florida and it's going to cause trouble well inland.

    The best scenario would be for it to go straight from Cuba to Florida spending as little time over water as possible.  The longer it stays over water, the more opportunity it has to grow.

  4. Fay is apparently staggering drunk and disoriented !!! Who ticked her off?

  5. noaa predicts its gonna turn north after that this is the forecast for miami and projected path miami might get only breezy conditions

  6. Well, there is a frontal system sitting rather high in the Gulf of Mexico right now, for the moment Fay does appear to still be following a West/ NorthWesterly path... there does seem to be some speculation of a more North turn coming into play within the next day or so , if this in fact happens then the entire West coast of Florida will take the brunt of the storm, because Florida is not a very large/wide state it will be felt to some degree throughout most of the state. Miami will not suffer any ill effects from this storm unless it makes a hard right which would be an East turn and then it would still have to be further North than it is now for it to do more than skim the area. Big thing is to be prepared, have supplies and cash (ATM's ddon'twork without electricity folks) and gasoline handyas well as med's and food and water. Baby wipes are a real good thing to have and large plastic bags for disposal of , well of things that you need running water to get rid of ... :)

    So , in hindsight ... watch and listen to what the storm is doing and know that there is a strong difference between a NorthWest turn and a West/Northwest turn. My bet is on the west coast at this point.... hopefully this is a tame storm compared to the ones that have pummeled Florida in the last few years. Prayers to all and safe wishes too.


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