
Trouble Falling Asleep?

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For the last few years it has been very difficult for me to fall asleep. It normally takes at least two hours of laying in bed before I finally go to sleep despite weather I'm tired or not and despite how much sleep I have gotten in the last few days and despite weather I feel stressed or not. Once I do fall asleep I have no trouble staying asleep and I will sometimes sleep for up to 16 hours before I wake up.

I've tried reading, watching TV, doing Sudoku; I even got a fish to watch because that is apparently relaxing.

I would really rather not take sleep medicines if I don't have to, so if anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I had the *exact* same problem. I would often go to bed at about 4 in the morning and still be awake around 8. I was homeschooled at the time, so maintaining a schedule wasn't a big deal, but it was still very frustrating because I would have church every Sunday and the occasional dentist/doctor/etc. appointment in the morning.

    I found that I had to stop concentrating so much at night. I had to let my thoughts wander more. And if I drank any soda in the afternoon or later, the caffeine would keep me awake at night, despite the fact that I am a heavy soda drinker and should probably have had a tolerance to the caffeine. Also, I was able to fall asleep much, much more quickly if I knew I had no obligations in the morning--no work, chores, etc. I've started going to bed much earlier and getting up much earlier now that I have nothing to do during the days (summertime). Tonight is the exception. lol

    That's the best I can offer. I was just like you for *years*, and none of the classic advice--read a book in low light until you get sleepy, etc.--worked for me. It sucks, but you're probably going to have to find your own ways to fall asleep.

  2. try Valerian. it's an herb and you can get it at any vitamin or herb shop. you might have to take it for a month, but it helps in the long run. Good luck!

  3. watching a movie while relaxing in bed until u fall asleep sometimes works, or writing before bed about whats on your mind might calm you down so you can sleep,listening to music, taking a warm shower, or even just lying in the dark relaxing sometimes you eventually fall asleep.

    i dunno, everyones different. alot of people have trouble sleeping, i do almost every night

    if you cant fix it, maybe you should talk to a doctor, meds might not be such a horrible thing, if you end up getting some that help you sleep :)

  4. I could have written that word-for-word myself, minus the fish part. I have the exact same problem! I don't know exactly what to tell you to get around it, because I'm still having the problem myself, but at least you know you're not the only one.

    I think my bed might have something to do with it... I could probably use a new, more comfortable mattress. Also, I find that during the school year when I have long days (about 18 hour days) I can fall asleep much more easily. So what I would suggest to you is to try to get up very early and go to sleep late, and keep a consistent sleep schedule. Hopefully you'll have the discipline to try that, cause only the school year will make me do it! Good luck!

  5. My best advice would be to set your alarm very early in the morning. Actually get up at that time, and just do a lot of tiring, high energy activities that will drain you of your energy. Don't eat a lot of carbohydrates or sugars, because that will give you more energy. Don't eat ANYTHING starting 3 hours before you go to bed, only allow yourself to have water if you require sugary drinks! Try playing relaxing music, make sure you have fresh sheets on your bed, you are relaxed (perhaps try yoga? it calms me down nicely), and just don't think about it, don't open your eyes for any reason! The majority of time I can't fall asleep is because I keep opening my eyes to check the time, DON'T, it just reverses all of the sleep process you were going through.

    Hopefully that will work and the next thing you will realize is that you are waking up nice and refreshed. If this does not work, perhaps you should consult a doctor. Remember, consulting a doctor doesn't mean you HAVE to take medication, it is just another opinion.

    Hope this helps and best of luck!!


  7. Try exercising or meditation.

  8. I have that problem occasionally...due to the fact I have ADHD and am always kind of crazy hyper.

    One way that worked for me a few times is to slowly relax your body from your toes to your head slowly progressing...

    But it you want to be really tired fast without pills, if you drink maple syrup (yes I know kind of random) It'll make your eyes extremely heavy and trust me you'll want to fall asleep.  Oh and it doesn't taste to bad either.

  9. no good advise will come to you on Y!A this is an age old problem you will have to deal with it on your own.

  10. Try crying.  I know this sounds crazy but watch a movie that makes you cry or start thinking about sad things I always fall asleep after crying and it relieves stress and tension.  

  11. I've had the same problem since I was a baby! Sleep deprivation is awful, I know. I've taken the big name sleeping pills, Rx and OTC, but with rare and short duration sucesses.)

    I tried the Valerian and Kava, but they did not help much and I read research that concluded that they can cause liver problems so I nixed that stuff. Some things that help me somewhat are:

    -Waking up, on a regular schedule, no matter how tied I am.

    -Excercise. (I do yoga, but not right before bed.)

    -Try to get some sun. (I have migraines and fair skin, so I don't look forward to it, (Advil, determination and suncreen [! :) ]) but it does help to regulate the natural "clock.")

    Some people have succes with melatonin, chamomile tea and Tryptophan (the turkey stuff) supplements. (My aunt suffers from insomnia and swears by Tryptophan after being on prescription sleep aids for over 20 years!)

    Everyone's different, though. Experiment... I mean you have the nighttime in long stretches right? (Just joking. I have the same problem. Recently I have been taking a medicine that has helped me 75% of the time, but I would not recommend it as it is in a class of phamaceuticals that cause extremely terrible withdrawals.)  

    Hope this helps!

  12. You are like me!

    i am experimenting in finding various techniques for getting sleep.

    1)i will say take a cool bath before going to bed.

    2)  the bedroom should be very neat and tidy with fresh air supply.

    3) dont think anything else other than you are on bed to sleep.never try to think about time. it will go on its own speed.

    4) try playing good music with  a sound  nearly capable to hear.  

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