
Trouble Sleeping :(?

by  |  earlier

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How can I get to sleep?

I have school in the morning. (first day.)

I'm tired, but when I try to go to sleep, I just cant.

Is there anything to help?




  1. Read a book or go look at the stars for a while.

    Your body is not ready to sleep yet.

    Calm down and enjoy some quiet time.

    Good luck at your first day.

  2. close your eyes, flex your whole body till you get tired, relax every muscle in your body, count sheep, read a book

  3. listen to relaxing music

  4. have the jazz radio station on (very low volume) and close your eyes until you soon sleeep. or make up a story in your head and fall asleep thinking about it that is what i do.  

  5. It sounds kind of silly but drinking milk (or even having a small bowl of cereal) always makes me feel more sleepy. Reading a book in bed is also good. Whatever you do, don't get on the computer, or watch TV. That will only make your brain take longer to shut down.

  6. take a benadryl. it makes you drowsy, but doesn't give you a hang over

  7. Just close your eyes and try and ease your mind. Make it as blank as you can.

    Another thing to try is watch some tv, I know if I lay down while watching tv I am bound to fall asleep.

    Good luck and hope you can fall asleep.

  8. Try thinking about something that you might dream about.

    Try remembering a time when you were happy, like maybe your birthday party or a trip to the beach.

  9. First step is to ge off the computer...then get into bed and try and think of other things.  Something you enjoy doing.  Like if you like to bike ride, think about the scenery around you.  Or if you like crafts, think about doing that.  You are just anxious about school.  Relax.
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