
Trouble adjusting to contact lenses?

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I began wearing contact lenses about 2 wks ago. I've had no troubles at all with inserting and removing them. But I'm finding that I still feel more comfortable with my glasses. I feel like I have eye strain (pressure behind my eyes) after wearing the contacts just a few hours. I went back after the first wk and she made my prescription a little bit stronger. Otherwise, the dr said everything looked great. They are comfortable otherwise; some dryness but the wetting drops took care of that. Should my eyes still feel "sore" or do I need to get the prescription tweaked again? Do regular contact wearers look forward to taking them out at the end of the day and putting their glasses back on? The bottom line is I feel like I still see better in my glasses and I thought I was going to see better out of the contacts. I really want the contacts to work but I'm getting discouraged with the pain of the eye strain.




  1. i have trouble when i close my eyes for a while with contacts in.

    they move around and get uncomfortable.

    but otherwise i love them.

    i would go back to the doctor.

  2. Adjusting to your contacts takes time and sometimes people have trouble adjusting and that's normal. You seem to be having a bit more trouble than usual. I suggest calling your eye doctor and explaining the details. You may not have the right size for your eyes or the contacts just aren't sitting in your eyes right. They can remeasure or check them out if you schedule an appointment. Try using your glasses for now until you talk with your doctors and see what they say.

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