trouble at work and home?
I have just started a new job, I feel I am underpaid for my skills but because the lady I work for is not doing so well with her business I dont mind as I know she cant afford to pay me more.
I recently made a mistake, I sold some shoes that were in a $10 bin for $10 but they were actually $100, there was no price tag on them so it was an honest mistake.
However because they were brand new and now she has lost money from the sale I have offered to work overtime (unpaid) to make up for my mistake, which was dumb as I should know that in nz gravis shoes dont cost $10!
Now my husband is livid with me, saying I should never work for free and she is underpaying me already blah blah..
however I am just trying to be nice! Her business is not doing so good and she is stressed.
He said that she will never value my work now, etc. but I have not much else to do at the moment and I like her company so I dont mind!
He was really swearing telling me im an idiot to f** off etc when I said he was being mean so I hung up on him.
What should I do? Who do I please?