
Trouble burning data to a rw dvd.... ?

by  |  earlier

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i'm having trouble burning documents, videos, pictures etc to a disc. my operating system is vista, i've also got NTI CD & DVD maker on my laptop. when i put a blank disk in, a window asks me what i want to do: burn disc etc. i go through 'burn data to disc'...give disc a name...use 'live format'...after a while the next window says' windows was unable to complete the format' and that's it. i've tried different discs' and different makes of disc...any ideas?




  1. See if it works with this

    If you go the bottom of the page & click on the "free" part

  2. check the manufacturer website for the dvd-rw drive for a firmware update.  If the media (disk itself) isn't bad then you will likely need a firmware update.  It isnt all too uncommon for the media to be bad or incompatible with the software or drive though.  Always use good name brand disks like ridata or TDK.  

  3. Have you tried using a different software package like 'Nero' to copy/burn your discs.

    I use it with good results

  4. i have vista.

    download "free easy burner".

    i find it easier and faster than the supplied one.

    hope this helps.

  5. I don't have vista or the burning software that you mention but from what you have written you seem to be telling your software to format a blank disk which the computer cant do, formatting something means that you are erasing all the information off it and if your dvd disk is already blank then you cant format it, you don't want to choose "live format" you want to choose an option that will say something like "burn disk", also you cant format normal DVDs or c.d disks as once you have written data on them that's it its permanent - although you can buy special DVDs that you can format and rewrite but those are a little more expensive than ordinary DVDs

  6. well i usually use nero  to burn disks but i couldn't burn a few because they were under copyright.

  7. Check the drive is fully compatible with Vista some hardware isn't also it could be a vista problem with the burning software.

    Try not using your own dvd software, vista should be able to burn a dvd without third party software

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